Coffee review

Introduction to the Flavor characteristics of Cajamarca Coffee production area in Cajamaca, Peru

Published: 2024-10-18 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Peru is a country in western South America, bordering Ecuador, Brazil, Colombia and other coffee-producing countries. The Andes range from north to south, with mountains accounting for 1/3 of the country's area. Due to the complex and diverse geographical conditions, Peru has a variety of climatic characteristics. The western coastal area belongs to desert steppe climate.

Peru is a country in western South America bordering coffee-producing countries such as Ecuador, Brazil and Colombia. Within the territory of the Andes north-south vertical and horizontal, mountains occupy one-third of the country's area. Due to its geographical diversity, Peru has a diverse climate. The western coastal areas belong to desert steppe climate, the eastern part belongs to tropical rain forest climate, and the central part belongs to tropical mountain climate. It rains in summer, and the temperature and humidity decrease with altitude.

Peru's diverse climate creates a unique coffee growing environment, where most of the varieties planted are Caturra, Typica, Bourbon, etc. The coffee produced has chocolate and nutty aromas, medium acidity and smooth taste.

The Cajamarca region is one of Peru's most famous producing areas, located in northern Peru, near the border with Ecuador, high in the Andes Mountains. The area has a diverse landscape, ranging from 1,500 to 2,600 meters above sea level, providing ideal conditions for coffee cultivation.

Coffee cultivation in Cajamarca dates back to the late 19th century, when European settlers introduced the crop to the region, and over time coffee became an important part of the local economy and culture. In Cajamarca, coffee is usually grown by small farmers with 1 - 10 hectares of land. These farmers grow coffee crops using traditional and sustainable farming methods, often intercropped with other plants such as bananas, avocados and maize. This practice helps maintain soil fertility and develops the unique flavor characteristics of coffee beans.

The processing methods used in this region vary from farm to farm, with most coffees treated with water, but some farmers experiment with other processing methods, such as honey treatment and sun treatment, to create unique and complex flavor profiles.

In addition to the classic caramel and cocoa aromas, coffee produced in Cajamarca usually has berry, apple, plum and other flavor characteristics, moderate acidity (slightly higher than coffee in other Peruvian regions), good body and smooth taste.

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