Coffee review

Complained! Why don't you order hot coffee with straws by default?

Published: 2024-07-27 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, The posture in which each coffee shop receives bad reviews may be different, from quality control to service, as long as customers are not satisfied, they will usher in a "three-in-one" one-star low score at any time. But every winter, whether chain brands or independent coffee shops, almost have not been able to avoid the "hot drinks do not give straws" this reason bad reviews.

The posture in which each coffee shop receives bad reviews may be different, from quality control to service, as long as customers are not satisfied, they will usher in a "three-in-one" one-star low score at any time. But every winter, whether chain brands or independent coffee shops, almost have not been able to avoid the "hot drinks do not give straws" this reason bad reviews.

As one of the indispensable important tableware in daily life, straws can be said to be standard in the beverage industry, and for many people, it is also a matter of course to buy drinks with straws. Every chain brand makes more or less efforts in choosing straws, from details such as size, length, material and shape, to three quality tubes specially designed for hot drinks, in order to provide customers with a better drinking experience.

From the merchant's point of view, first of all, considering that the default temperature of the take-out hot drink is very high, about more than 70 ℃, there is a risk of scalding the throat and mouth if you smoke directly. Secondly, most of the straws on the market are made of plastic, so it is easy to soften and even release harmful substances when soaked in high temperature liquid for a long time.

As a result, many stores choose to replace takeout cutlery with straight lids or custom hot lids with small pistons. If the guest needs a straw, it is usually a paper straw or a special hot drink straw, and then attach a warm reminder of "be careful of scald" in the package. Some independent baristas who pursue the taste of coffee will also advise guests to drink directly with the lid so that they can feel the dense foam and grease of hot coffee, but only if it is not kept for too long.

Over time, "ice drink to straw, hot drink not to straw" has gradually become a consensus between people in the industry and coffee lovers. Everyone has also formed the habit of drinking hot coffee directly, and then take it with a straw.

But we should know that businesses cannot choose customers, and the people who come to buy coffee can be "veterans" who drink coffee every day, or "newcomers" who taste fresh for the first time, and this wave of bad reviews happen to come from the "layman" who is particularly dedicated to straws and doesn't order hot coffee very often. In ta's view, since the box "need tableware", the business should be accompanied by straws, did not explain that the service is not in place.

"doesn't Cuddy give straws? "Why? Don't give me a straw @ Luckin Coffee "

"now drinking Starbucks coffee doesn't deserve a straw? "

Under the topic of the online platform, many chain coffee brands complain about "hot coffee is not given to straws" almost every day. Fortunately, ta only post complaints and have no plans to make bad comments or complaints, and the comment area can not help but have explanations from enthusiastic passers-by. As the saying goes, once once and twice cooked, when the experienced person has correctly popularized science, the next time you order a hot drink, you will naturally remember the remarks when you need a straw.

Unlike complaining contestants, bad-rated contestants are accustomed not to communicate, but directly give low marks or guest complaints. For example, this winter, there has been a sharp drop in temperature all over the country, and more and more people can't stand the seamless cold, so they have to give up their beloved ice drink temporarily and order a cup of hot coffee on the takeout platform to warm their body, only to find that the merchant didn't give the straw. I thought I didn't even drink the straw, so I backhanded with a "bad feedback".... Such a case is no stranger to the operator, it is really difficult, and the grievance is really unjust.

Now that we know that the problem lies with straws, in order not to suffer any more losses in this respect, experienced merchants are also "smart", especially in stores that open takeout channels, where all orders are put into the corresponding number of straws, whether hot or cold, so as to avoid unnecessary bad reviews. There are also merchants who try to add the option of "straw" in the beverage section, or add the words "no straw" and "please note if you need a straw" in the details of hot coffee, hoping to dispel the novice's misunderstanding.

In the end, coffee culture needs a benign and correct spread, the way of drinking coffee is inclusive, the use of straws depends on personal habits, and there are not so many "default" and "original". We should not rely on our knowledge to laugh at those who just want to get to know coffee.