Coffee review

Making good coffee by pressing a pot is as simple as making tea!

Published: 2024-09-08 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/09/08, Although the method of pressing a pot of coffee looks simple, in fact, it is really very simple! Do not need too strict brewing techniques and methods, just put in the corresponding materials for soaking, it will tell you that the production of delicious coffee is so simple. Therefore, the French kettle is often a must for lazy people like Qianjie.

Although the method of pressing a pot of coffee looks simple, in fact, it is really very simple! Do not need too strict brewing techniques and methods, just put in the corresponding materials for soaking, it will tell you that the production of delicious coffee is so simple. Therefore, the French kettle is often a must for lazy people like Qianjie!

Speaking of the French press, its birth can be traced back to France in the 1850s. Two Frenchmen, Meyer and Delphi, jointly invented the "piston filter coffee device" after applying for a patent. Name it the French kettle for official sale.

However, because this version of the pressure pot can not balance the center of gravity of the filter when pressing down to make coffee, it is easy for coffee powder to sneak out of the cracks, and coffee is often drunk with a mouthful of coffee and a mouthful of residue, so sales are very poor. Until the 20th century, the "BUG" was modified by the Italians, who added a set of springs to the strainer to keep the pressure balanced and increase the sliding at the same time. As a result, the coffee made from this version of the French kettle is no longer a mouthful of coffee, so it is immediately sought after because it is convenient and fast, and it is the version we see now.

From the appearance, we can see that the structure of the pressure kettle is not complicated. The utility model is composed of a pot body containing coffee and a pressure rod with a metal filter and a spring. The step of making coffee is also very simple, adding powder →, pouring water, →, waiting for → to press → to finish ~ but often, some white friends will inevitably make a pot of French-pressed coffee that is not satisfactory in taste.

Since we will not have a big action that can affect the extraction in the process of production, then, after excluding the influence caused by human factors, we know that the problem must lie in the parameters.

The degree of grinding is first of all grinding! In terms of grinding, in the tutorials we can see on the Internet, rough grinding is generally recommended! Similarly, Qianjie also advises Xiaobai to use thicker grinding to make coffee in the French kettle: the 70% oversieving rate of the No. 20 screen is a more suitable grinding degree for soaking in the kettle, which, in analogy, is coarse sugar grinding.

Of course, this is not to say that fine grinding can not be used, but rough grinding has more fault-tolerant space, which can reduce the probability of exquisite taste due to soaking for too long! And fine grinding is like a double-edged sword, soaked well, the flavor is extremely full, bubble is not good, is full of bitter taste! In addition to being easy to extract, it has another drawback-too much very fine powder. Because the gap of the metal filter is not as small as the gap of the filter paper, these very fine powders can easily pass through the gap of the filter and add to the coffee liquid. In this way, although the coffee will add a little mellow taste, but it will also lose a lot of cleanliness.

Water temperature because the water injection in the kettle is an one-time injection, there will not be any stirring action to increase the extraction rate during the soaking process, so we need to increase the water temperature a little to supplement this extraction rate, which is 1 ~ 2 °C higher than the conventional hand flushing temperature. The recommended water temperature for medium and shallow roasted coffee beans is 92 ~ 94 °C, while for medium and deep roasted coffee beans, the recommended water temperature is 89 ~ 90 °C.

Powder-water ratio if we need to regulate the coffee concentration, we must mention the powder-water ratio! The powder-to-water ratio of 1:16 is more commonly used in the autoclave, and the concentration of the extracted coffee is more suitable. The concentration of coffee extracted with it will be in the range of 1.1 to 1.2%. If you have friends who like strong coffee like Qianjie, you might as well try the powder-to-water ratio at 1:15, the extracted coffee will taste stronger and fuller.

Soaking time is the last soaking time! As mentioned earlier, due to the lack of artificial mixing, to extract the substance from the coffee needs to improve the extraction rate elsewhere, and soaking time is another factor that needs to be improved! Under the same conditions, the longer the soaking time, the higher the extraction rate, of course, the higher the extraction rate, the higher the probability of over-extraction.

After the test in the front street, if the coffee beans are medium and shallow roasted, then, with the other parameters above, it will be more appropriate to control the soaking time for about 4 minutes; if it is medium and deep roasted coffee beans, then, the soaking time can be controlled at about three and a half minutes. These two time nodes can not only fully soak the coffee flavor corresponding to the roasting degree, but also avoid the bitter taste caused by soaking for too long.

Write at the end of the use of the kettle, must not forget to carry out deep cleaning! Because after soaking, the coffee oil and other substances will remain on the metal filter, if not cleaned in time, it will easily lead to oxidation!

Therefore, Qianjie suggests that you must carry out split cleaning after use, dismantle all the parts and clean them one by one. This can not only ensure the delicious output of coffee, but also protect our health to a certain extent. In addition to making coffee, it can also be used to make tea and send hot and cold milk bubbles to pull flowers, which can be said to combine a lot of advantages with themselves. the key is that the price is very suitable, simply do not roll too much!


Front Street Cafe

No. 10 Baoqian street, Yandun road, Dongshankou, Yuexiu district, Guangzhou, Guangdong province