Coffee review

Company assets! Employees complain: you can't take anything.

Published: 2024-09-08 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/09/08, Click to follow | Daily boutique Coffee Culture Magazine Coffee Workshop I wonder if you have found that there are more and more coffee shops around you. With the increase of coffee consumption, more and more attention has been paid to the food safety of coffee drinks. Many chain coffee brands have also set up on-site inspection and video surveillance inspection of their own brands.

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I do not know if you have found that there are more and more coffee shops around you. With the increase of coffee consumption, more and more attention has been paid to the food safety of coffee drinks. Many chain coffee brands have also set up on-site inspection and video surveillance inspection and other relevant inspection measures.

Recently, there has been a complaint post on the social platform on behalf of Mstand employees, which has aroused a lot of discussion among netizens.

The barista said that since the store began to carry out video inspection, there have been more and more regulations that neither drink water from the cup nor use the bag in the store. "the main goal is to give it to the guests casually, but the staff cannot use it." if you use it, you will encounter a red line item (like a warning letter) and no performance bonus directly, and set a false high for the daily kpi. The helpless barista can only complain: "the front-line staff are really tired to feed these well-fed people."

Immediately, the friends of Mstand, who also felt aggrieved, said in the comments section one after another that the management of Mstand was getting more and more outrageous. From work to work, they could not stop for a moment. At the same time, "they were also subjected to all kinds of pua, not using their time properly and being inefficient. Compared with before, they were not satisfied with being used by two people." even the employees stepped on the red line with a bag.

In this regard, some netizens speculated that many rules of video inspection began to appear in the store, perhaps because a management was dug up from Ruixing. At the same time, many netizens who are also shop assistants said that they have the same feeling that "everything in the store is a red line item". It is like this, which reflects the double label incisively and vividly.

In the comments section, some netizens thought that it was OK to feel lucky when they were old, and some passers-by sighed that "the original two M are comparable." This may be because brands are gradually developing and store hygiene and personnel management are becoming more stringent, but excessive supervision may also be counterproductive.

In addition, it has to be mentioned that Luckin Coffee's strict quality control, I believe we have already heard a little, every store has a timer. Every time they wash their hands, employees must use hand sanitizer and rinse them from the inside to the outside. therefore, there will be "lucky cleaners who wash cleaner than my wallet" and "ace cleaners".

Both the strict supervision of Mstand and the strict quality control of Luckin Coffee are to ensure that consumers can enjoy safe and hygienic food services in the store. However, for enterprises, moderate supervision and management is necessary, but excessive supervision may be counterproductive and affect the enthusiasm and efficiency of employees.

Therefore, perhaps when formulating management regulations, enterprises need to fully consider the interests and actual situation of employees, reasonably set assessment standards and reward and punishment mechanisms, and stimulate employees' enthusiasm and creativity, so as to achieve the sustainable development of enterprises.

Photo Source: Internet

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