Coffee review

Manner employee: I didn't leave, but the year-end bonus is gone!

Published: 2024-10-23 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/23, ▲ Click to follow | Daily boutique Coffee Culture Magazine Coffee Workshop has been diligent for a year, for migrant workers, the hope before the Spring Festival is probably the year-end bonus. All the migrant workers want to get the year-end bonus that the representative affirmed their work last year, so that they can buy some new clothes and go back to their hometown happily for the Spring Festival. Symplectic

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After a year of diligence, for migrant workers, the hope before the Spring Festival is probably the year-end bonus. All the migrant workers want to get the year-end bonus that the representative affirmed their work last year, so that they can buy some new clothes and go back to their hometown happily for the Spring Festival.

The same is true of Manner employees who have worked hard for a year, go to work rain or shine, stand behind the bar and practice pulling flowers, and when customers ask for it, they can respond to every request and provide good service. However, a conscientious Manner employee recently posted that he had not received the year-end bonus he deserved before the Spring Festival.

According to the employee, he has been an employee of Manner for many years and has worked normally and seriously in the past year, but in the on-the-job situation, the management will not pay the year-end bonus if the employee subjectively judges that the employee is going to leave after a year without receiving any application for departure. The employee asked the relevant management about the reasons for not receiving the year-end bonus, but the reply was "not everyone".

In response to this, the employee said that he also knew that he might not get the year-end bonus, but he had some feelings for Manner after many years of service. Now, he is more or less disappointed with Manner. Netizens reassure, "to work is to work, and indeed many people will bring feelings, but basically the company is ruthless to people, and it is only to correct their own mindset and recognize the reality."

Friends who are struggling in the coffee industry attracted by the post can't help but envy what happened to Manner employees. "Lucky doesn't have a year-end bonus at all."mstand doesn't have a year-end bonus at all. Don't ask me how I know!" Tims also has no year-end bonus, the leader said that 23 years of year-end bonus and 24 years together "," and year-end bonus, good envy, ms only 100 yuan.

As a result, Manner employees may be one of the few coffee workers who can get a year-end bonus. No wonder other coffee workers envy them.

It's just that this year-end bonus is not covered by rain and rain, so that every conscientious Manner employee can have it. According to the social platform, there is not only one active Manner employee who did not receive a year-end bonus like this one.

This also caused sympathetic netizens to express their heartache for Manner employees and help them complain about the company, "this coffee shop is so diarrhea! is it exploiting labor for employees?" , "Contemporary landlord Han Pei, distressed Lord po", "Zhong can operate in this way? this is outrageous", "subjective judgment, you may leave your job.". Cow, "Oh, my God.

Netizens who helped to advise said bluntly that the year-end bonus is a reward for employees' hard work in the previous year and should not be a reference for the future, regardless of whether employees really plan to leave after the year or not. management should not therefore not give employees this reward for hard work in the previous year.

So in the view of netizens, this Manner employee and other migrant workers in the comment area who did not get the year-end bonus should take corresponding measures to actively safeguard their own interests.

Picture from: Xiao Hong Shu

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