Coffee review

JDE Peet's Piper Coffee partnered with Enveritas Global No deforestation Program to be implemented in four Coffee producing countries

Published: 2024-07-27 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, In June this year, the EU issued its first Zero deforestation Act, which is also the EU deforestation Regulation (EUDR), which stipulates that no individual or enterprise can sell products related to deforestation, including coffee and cocoa, in the EU market. The bill requires operators to conduct due diligence and pursue their products.

In June this year, the EU issued its first Zero deforestation Act, which is also the EU deforestation Regulation (EUDR), which stipulates that no individual or enterprise can sell products related to deforestation, including coffee and cocoa, in the EU market. The bill requires operators to conduct due diligence on their products and trace the origin of the goods they sell to determine that they are not involved in deforestation or cause forest degradation, otherwise they will face a series of penalties such as fines, restrictions or export bans. According to regulations, the regulation will be formally implemented between December 2024 and January 2025, and is currently in a transitional period. So various coffee-producing countries and some coffee companies have begun a series of measures to deal with the regulation.

Recently, global coffee giant JDE Peet's Piye Coffee said it had signed a memorandum on a new deforestation coffee initiative (MOU) with four coffee-producing countries. JDE Peet's Piay Coffee earlier announced the completion of a pilot program in Vietnam and signed memorandums with coffee industry leaders in Ethiopia, Papua New Guinea, Tanzania and Uganda, and more are expected. These agreements are designed to ensure that coffee producers export coffee to grow coffee on unfelled land, and if coffee does not meet these requirements, JDE Peet's will support local governments, NGOs and farmers in reforestation.

JDE Peet's Piye Coffee's forest-free coffee program is carried out through a partnership with Enveritas, a sustainability verification provider focused on coffee cultivation. Enveritas mainly involves a combination of satellite imagery, artificial intelligence (AI) and field verification to measure the degree of deforestation related to coffee, so that local operators, governments, non-governmental organizations and farmers can better reduce the risk of deforestation, address coffee-related deforestation and protect small farmers.

So the CEO of JDE Peet's said that at JDE Peet's, it is committed to achieving sustainable growth and creating social value. Ensuring that the supply chain is inclusive, renewable and authentic, this innovative new plan is fully consistent with EU regulations on deforestation-free products and will ensure that JDE Peet's and millions of small farmers around the world continue to enter the EU market.

In addition, the CEO of Enveritas said that millions of small farmers around the world rely on coffee income to support their entire families, and the new EU regulations may lead to new complexities and process problems in the coffee supply chain, which may add new costs to some vulnerable coffee growers and may also lead to market access risks. So work with JDE Peet's to solve the problem of deforestation in a way that protects small farmers.