Coffee review

Starbucks Joins $9 Price War?!

Published: 2024-10-23 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/23, ▲ Click to follow| Daily boutique coffee culture magazine Coffee Workshop Lucky 9.9 activities shrink, many brands launched short-term 9.9 coffee offers to attract consumer attention, such as Coody's 9.9 full discount and Tims celebrate the 60th anniversary of the weekly 9.9 activities, successfully won after the launch of the event

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After Ruixing 9.9 event shrank, many brands launched short-term 9.9 coffee discounts to attract consumers' attention, such as Cudy's 9.9 full-house discount and Tims's weekly 9.9 event to celebrate the 60th anniversary, which successfully grasped the consumer preferences of loyal fans and increased sales in many stores after the event was launched.

Starbucks, which was squeezed out as the number one in China's coffee industry, said at the earnings meeting that it would "not roll the price roll market" next. From the various new products launched by Starbucks recently, we can also see that Starbucks is catering to the needs of Chinese consumers. the launch of new drinks, surrounding mugs and other changes have made changes close to the market demand.

However, Starbucks, which maintained its arrogant posture and said that it would not join the 9.9 price war, was found to have gone back on its word by netizens today.

This morning, some netizens shared that they had successfully bought two Starbucks drinks with 9 yuan. At first, netizens thought that bug was also worried that Starbucks stores would not arrange delivery when they found out, but unexpectedly, two large cups of drinks were delivered on time, and they really got Starbucks wool.

As long as 9 yuan can buy Starbucks two large cups of new products of the season, which makes the bought netizens happy, call friends to hurry up to place orders, for a time you can see a lot of experience posts on the social platform, but some netizens suspect that Starbucks this 9 yuan activity may not be intentional.

(promotional picture of Starbucks APP event)

Near International Working Women's Day, brands offer a lot of discounts to attract female consumers during the holiday season, and Starbucks is no exception, launching a time-limited promotion of 49.9 large cups of drinks, but something should have gone wrong before the event went online. many customers actually pay 9 yuan when they place an order, instead of 49.9 as mentioned in the activity rules.

According to the feedback from netizens who heard the news, when they found that they entered Mini Program or Starbucks APP after they found the wool, the relevant activity page could not be opened, and the 9-yuan two-cup system bug was repaired by Starbucks as soon as possible. in addition to the early success of the hand party that bought wool and coffee, netizens who followed failed to seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Netizens who failed to buy two drinks for NT $9 were very reluctant. "expired wool is like arsenic, I'm only a few minutes late," and "it's not my turn to do such a good thing!" "my own miss makes me heartache, and the success of netizens makes me even more heartache." it is the expired sugar that is pushed to me again.

Not all netizens who have successfully placed orders are happy. Some netizens said they received a text message from Starbucks after paying, informing them that the successful order of 9 yuan was cancelled and the payment was returned.

At present, Starbucks has repaired the system bug,3.8 activity page to restore the payment amount of the order to 49.9. For Starbucks' regular customers, 49.9 cups of drinks are a big discount to Starbucks' daily prices, but consumers still want more attractive promotional prices and encourage more people to place orders.

Picture from: Xiao Hong Shu

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