Coffee review

Can you roll this, too? Sipping coffee upside down?!

Published: 2024-10-23 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/23, ▲ Click to follow | Daily boutique Coffee Culture Magazine Coffee Workshop Coffee shops often see guests tasting coffee leisurely with plates in one hand and cups in the other. This elegant posture is also the most imaginable coffee posture for the public, but in the coffee circle where anything can be rolled, the coffee posture is often seen.

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In coffee shops, guests can often be seen tasting coffee leisurely with plates in one hand and cups in the other. This elegant gesture is also the most imaginable coffee-drinking posture, but in a coffee circle where anything can be rolled, coffee-drinking posture can also be innovated and rolled.

In this case, a netizen on the social platform had a whim to buckle the plate on a cup filled with coffee liquid, let the mouth of the cup close to the plate and flip it over quickly, and then insert the squashed straw into the gap between the mouth of the cup and the plate to drink. This novel coffee-drinking posture shocked netizens, "my silence is deafening" and "don't you think about the sealing machine?" However, some netizens have found that this kind of upside-down coffee drinking is actually a kind of "Internet celebrity drinking" in Indonesia.

Kupi Khop, also known as inverted Coffee, is a specialty drink in Meulaboh, the capital of Aceh, consisting of coffee with a cup upside down on a plate. Of course, such a cup of drink can not be tasted in a conventional way. Customers who get such a cup of coffee can insert a straw provided by the store to drink it, or they can learn from the locals and bring the plate to their mouth to slowly sip the coffee flowing out of the gap.

Some netizens may wonder why Indonesians drink coffee in such a way similar to "cat drinking water". It doesn't look elegant. This has something to do with the local environment in Indonesia. It is said that the method of drinking Kupi Khop originated from workers, where there are many mosquitoes. Workers who work outdoors are worried that sundries such as bugs and dust will fall into the open coffee, so they buckle the coffee cup upside down and sip it slowly with the plate.

And before the thermos appeared, the coffee liquid would take longer to cool down after the coffee was turned upside down, so that workers would not have to worry about the coffee getting cold soon and the flavor of the coffee would not be lost too quickly.

In modern society, all kinds of problems that locals were worried about can be solved by sealing cups, thermos cups and so on. This inelegant coffee drinking posture should also be eliminated by the times, but many coffee shops in Meulaboh still sell Kupi Khop. The reason why this drink has not been eliminated, one is to retain the local specialty coffee, and the other is to commemorate the local national hero Teuku Umar.

At the end of the 19th century, the local general Teuku Umar died heroically against the Dutch invaders. In memory of this national hero, the Indonesian people never withdrew the inverted coffee similar to Teuku Umar's iconic dome hat, which also showed that foreign culture would not be allowed to encroach on the local coffee culture.

However, it is said that inverted coffee is perhaps the most suitable way to drink Indonesian coffee. Indonesian coffee is mostly made of robusta beans, which are made in a very original way. Grind the beans into a cup, add hot water, cover the plate and buckle, and the coffee is done in the blink of an eye.

So this way of sipping coffee on a plate can not only prevent sundries from falling into the cup, but also avoid eating unfiltered coffee grounds, killing two birds with one stone.

In order to adapt to the taste of modern people, inverted coffee has been improved. It can be made with milk and condensed milk to make an inverted latte, which tastes better as a whole. But if you take a look at the bold and unrestrained way of making inverted coffee by the local people, if you don't say it, you may be mistaken for buying rice noodles from a roadside stall at night.

Picture from: Internet

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