Coffee review

Ordered Manner, and unexpectedly sent M stand.

Published: 2024-09-08 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/09/08, ▲ click to follow | Daily boutique coffee culture magazine coffee workshop black-and-white collocation, very simple style, the beginning of the letter M, coffee brands Manner and M stand can be said to be very similar in packaging design, a little careless will be mistaken for home, which also led to a lot of guests or takeout

Click follow | Daily boutique coffee culture magazine coffee workshop

With black and white, very simple style and the beginning of the M letter, the coffee brand Manner and M stand can be said to be very similar in packaging design, and they will be mistaken for the right home if they are not careful, which leads to the confusion between the two by many guests or takeout staff who pick up food.

Recently, some consumers posted on social platforms that they had ordered Manner coffee takeout before going to work, but when they brought it back to the company, they found that it was a product from another brand M stand, which must have been a takeout rider.

Confused, she also found that she placed an order for 20 yuan SOE latte, but the wrong friend ordered 80 yuan, including a cup of American and a piece of cake. The price was supposed to be good, but she only wanted to drink back the Manner she had ordered, so she contacted the rider to negotiate to get it back.

After a communication, the rider said that the wrong party had not contacted him, and the publisher had returned to the company, four kilometers away from the receiving place, so he had no free time to retrieve and redistribute it, so he could only accept a refund.

Such being the case, she had to apply for a refund through the platform, but unexpectedly ran into Bug again. When applying for a refund on Meituan, there was only the check of "the store sends the wrong goods". The compensation will be borne by the store, and there is no channel for the rider to deliver the wrong goods. Therefore, the refund application was also rejected by the store operator on the grounds that they did not give it wrong and that it was the rider's responsibility. In the face of such a dilemma, but she can only directly find the platform customer service intervention, in order to solve their own demands.

As for the rider's approach, some netizens said that it was understandable that, after all, the problem of delivering the wrong meal had already been caused, the after-sales cost of redistribution was very high, and the after-sales time for handling one order was enough to redistribute dozens of orders. Moreover, Meituan and are also the head monopoly of the industry, so I think it doesn't matter after sale. Consumers often encounter such problems, which can only be solved through customer complaints.

In fact, through the funny events shared by all kinds of coffee people online, we can find that there are frequent cases of confusing Manner with M stand: scanning the M stand membership code at the Manner counter, clicking Manner to open the takeout cabinet and finding that it is M stand, running into Manner to ask the clerk if there is any M stand style (M stand home special), and even mixing into the Dianping area of a Manner store with a photo of M stand's oatmeal cookie latte.

Nowadays, under the popular trend of active coffee brands, the chain coffee we are familiar with wants to occupy all the core business circles and office areas in the city, making these places properly become "coffee corners".

On the other hand, M stand and Manner, which are already very similar competitors, seem to have a "tacit understanding". They are not only located in the same shopping mall, but also often open next door, making many netizens can't help sighing "two brothers who love and kill each other." They also sell coffee, and there are big white M characters on the door, so it's no wonder that some confused riders will admit their mistakes. If the odd number of the day coincides with a collision, then they are more likely to take the wrong meal.

In the face of such frequent oolong incidents, and in order to avoid customer complaints in advance, all the baristas in the bar can do is to put up a small sign for the takeout boy, hoping to get them to pick up food at the right store through words.

Picture from: screenshot of Xiao Hongshu

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