Coffee review

Starbucks brings its own cups, all of which are eye-catching bags!

Published: 2024-10-18 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, ▲ Click to pay attention| Daily Boutique Coffee Culture Magazine Coffee Workshop Today, World Earth Day is here as scheduled! This also means that the big day to go to Starbucks for free coffee once a year is here! On this day every year, people from Coffee Star bring their favorite cups and arrive at the bar on time to "prostitute" a cup star with tacit understanding.

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Today, World Earth Day arrives as scheduled! This also means that the big day of going to Starbucks for free coffee once a year has come!

On this day every year, coffee stars bring their own cups and arrive at the bar on time for a cup of Starbucks.

So even though today is a painful Monday for office workers, and the event time is approaching noon, there are still a large number of fans who bring their own cups ready to participate on time. Some people arrive early in order to get the top 30 oatmeal lattes and stand at the bar waiting for the event time to come.

However, this long line seems to be mixed with some "outstanding" contestants, ah, might as well take a look at this year's coffee stars people have sacrificed what kind of treasure to "play" coffee.

Pots and pans contestants report on time!

I'm sure he won't miss the annual wool with his own bucket.


Brother brought his own bucket and brought his younger brother to attend this year!

Strange creatures have come to join the party for coffee.

Report! Rui Xing, M's and Blue bottle next door all went to work to touch the fish and came to rub for coffee!

It's time to take out my family heirloom!

I just didn't expect to make a match with another buddy!

The Chinese teapot needs a change today to try the taste of coffee.

The pickle jar also comes to report! I just don't know if the coffee will smell like pickles.

The elegant goblet arrives late! Have a plus version of the cup!

Wait ~ high-capacity contestants and this rice cooker!

Take it home and heat it up again when it is cold.

Hey hey, instant noodle bowl is the best today! Satisfy two tastes at a time!

When it comes to Earth Day, everyone's "heirlooms" come together to go to this short but joyful "feather wool" carnival!

Although the event is over, let's look forward to seeing you again next year.

Last! Let's raise our own cups! Let's drink a toast to environmental protection!

Picture from: Internet

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