Coffee review

Civil strife breaks out again in Colombia! However, coffee production in 2024/25 is expected to reach 12 million

Published: 2024-10-18 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Recently, the FNC of Colombia recently issued a coffee report, which pointed out. In April, Colombia's coffee production was 742,000 bags (60 kilograms/bag), an increase of 31.2% over the same period last year. Although it has increased compared with the same period last year, it is down compared with 866,000 bags in March 2024.

Recently, the FNC of Colombia recently issued a coffee report, which pointed out. In April, Colombia's coffee production was 742,000 bags (60 kilograms/bag), an increase of 31.2% over the same period last year.

Although there is an increase compared with the same period last year, it is 14.3% lower than the 866,000 bags in March 2024. The report predicts that in 2024/25, Colombia's coffee production is expected to reach 12.4 million bags, an increase of 1.6% over last year.

Although Colombia has recently experienced favorable weather conditions and improved flowering, which is expected to increase yields, there are still many survival challenges. According to the report, there are currently problems such as a decrease in the number of renovated and planted areas of coffee trees, the vulnerability of some young coffee trees to drought, and the outbreak of coffee borers in some low and medium altitude areas. In addition, falling international prices and currency appreciation have put domestic prices in Colombia under pressure.

In terms of exports, Colombia exported 780,000 bags of coffee in April, an increase of 8% compared with the same period last year, but a decrease of 22% compared with 1 million bags in March. In addition, due to the impact of weather in 2023 and insufficient supply, coffee exports in 2023/24 will only be 10.7 million bags. In 2024/25, Colombia's coffee production will recover, and exports are expected to increase by 1.9% to 12 million bags.

Cumulative from January to April this year, Colombia's cumulative coffee production was 3.52 million bags, an increase of 8% compared with the same period last year. The cumulative export volume was 2.76 million bags, an increase of 11% compared with the same period last year.

Currently, according to FNC reports, there are currently nearly 550,000 families growing coffee in Colombia, with a total coffee planting area of 840,000 hectares, of which 95% of the families grow less than 5 hectares, but account for 60% of Colombia's total coffee production.

In addition, 682972 hectares are some experimental or new varieties (such as Xizhao, Danavel), 152950 hectares are some old experimental or hybrid varieties (Kadura, Katim), and 5430 hectares are planted with traditional varieties (Iron Picka, Bourbon), of which leaf rust prevention varieties account for 87% of the coffee area.

Currently, the government has formally signed a government management agreement with the FNC for a 10-year period and has launched the Coffee Income Compensation Mechanism (MECIC-2024), which aims to support coffee growers in providing support when prices are low or production costs are high.

However, what urgently needs to be solved at present is the internal affairs of Colombia. It is reported that in the province of Cauca in southwestern Colombia, anti-government armed forces have recently intensified violence. Bomb attacks and shootings have killed four people and injured seven others.

Some anti-government forces have strengthened their control in rural Cauca Province in an attempt to control some illegal businesses, resulting in an increase in criminal activities such as kidnapping, extortion and recruitment of children here and the installation of multiple explosive devices on the streets of the area.

Therefore, the government also sent 100 soldiers, but this is one of the important coffee producing areas in Colombia. If the two sides continue to fight, it will have a serious impact on coffee and other agricultural industries in these areas.