Coffee review

Kenya| Introduction to Kirin Jaka, a coffee producing area

Published: 2024-10-23 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/23, African coffee has a high reputation in the global coffee market, because the African country Ethiopia is recognized as the birthplace of coffee. In addition, there are many outstanding coffee-producing countries, such as Ethiopia's neighbor Kenya. Although Kenya is adjacent to Ethiopia, the birthplace of coffee, Kenya's coffee industry

African coffee is well known in the global coffee market because the African country Ethiopia is recognized as the birthplace of coffee, and there are many excellent coffee producing countries, such as Ethiopia's neighbor Kenya.

Although Kenya is adjacent to Ethiopia, the birthplace of coffee, the coffee industry in Kenya is relatively late. It was first brought into Kenya by French missionaries from the island of Reunion in the 19th century and developed well. Up to now, Kenyan coffee is famous for its multi-level taste and juice-like acidity, and is loved by many people in the coffee industry.

Kenya is located in eastern Africa, is a country crossed by the equator, except for the coastal areas of the Wei Plain, most of the rest is a plateau with an average elevation of 1500 meters. On the other hand, the eastern branch of the East African Rift Valley cuts longitudinally into the north and south of the plateau, dividing the highland into eastern and western parts. There are also many volcanoes in Kenya, of which Mount Kenya, the extinct volcano in the central highlands, is 5199 meters above sea level, making it the second highest mountain in Africa.

Kenya is located in the tropical monsoon region, so most areas have a savanna climate, the coastal areas are humid and hot, and the plateau climate is mild. The rainy season is from March to June and October to December, and the annual temperature is between 12 and 24 ℃. High-altitude mountains, volcanic soil, plenty of sunshine and appropriate rainfall make the country's agriculture and tourism more developed.

Mount Kenya, which covers an area of 142000 hectares and ranges from 1600 to 5199 meters above sea level, became a United Nations protected area in 1978, so it is rich in natural resources.

In recent years, the Kirin Yaga (Kirinyaga, also known as Kirinya) producing area, located in central Kenya, near the high-altitude Mount Kenya, has gradually come into view. Coffee is grown at an altitude of 1300-1900 meters above sea level. With fertile volcanic soil, abundant Rain Water and cool climate, coffee is famous for its strong taste, rich layers and solid taste, and the Nyeri producing area is recognized as the two best producing areas in Kenya.

It is understood that the local Kikuyu call Mount Kenya Kirinyaga or Kere-Nyaga (the local language means White Mountain), and the local area has always respected this mountain as the home of their Almighty Voice Ngai.

Most of the producers in the Kirinyaga producing area are small coffee farmers who join the cooperative, while the cooperative provides washing plants, and coffee farmers send coffee cherries to the cooperative's processing plant for raw bean processing.

In order to taste the coffee flavor of the producing area, we got a washed Kirin Yajia BlackBerry queen's coffee beans and roasted them in medium and shallow.

After the baking is finished, the cup is tested in Qianjie, showing the aroma of berries and elegant purple flowers when it is dry, and the aroma of plum and lemon when injected with hot water. After the entrance, there can be bright purple fruit acidity, with plum, lemon, berry, plum flavor, slightly sweet, taste as soft as black tea.