Coffee review

The bully could not be persuaded by the air-conditioning, so the coffee shop called the police and carried him away!

Published: 2024-10-23 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/23, ▲ Click to pay attention| Daily Boutique Coffee Culture Magazine Coffee Workshop At about 2 pm the day before yesterday, a woman about 20 years old entered the store with big bags and small bags of luggage and directly piled things on the seats, occupying a total of 2 tables and 4 seats in the store. She herself wears a hoodie hat to cover most of her face, or

click on the attention| Daily Boutique Coffee Culture Magazine Coffee Workshop

At about 2 p.m. the day before yesterday, a woman in her 20s entered the store with big bags and small bags of luggage and piled her things directly on the seats, occupying a total of 2 tables and 4 seats in the store. She herself put on a hoodie hat to cover most of her face, and either sat or lay on the sofa to sleep.

It is understood that the coffee shop needs to place an order before being seated, and a minimum consumption amount is set in the store, so the guest who blew on the air conditioner for free and slept soundly caused trouble to the clerk. During this period, an employee took the initiative to communicate with the other party, hoping to persuade the woman to leave voluntarily, but she remained indifferent and refused to leave after staying in the store for 4 hours.

Considering that women's long-term occupancy of seats and resting in public places may affect other customers in the store who want to eat, the clerk chose to call the police after repeated persuasion failed.

After the police arrived and learned about the situation, they tried to communicate with the guest who had caused trouble to the coffee shop, and asked if the other party was unwell, saying that they could help contact the ambulance to send him to medical treatment. Perhaps after hearing the police's persuasion, the woman responded that she would leave, but she still didn't get up after that. She grabbed the seat tightly with both hands, and her entire body seemed to be stuck in position.

In desperation, the police decided to take tough measures and pulled open the sofa chair to drive the person out of the seat. They thought that without the seat, the woman would stand up and leave voluntarily, but to everyone's surprise, the person who fell to the ground actually lied down.

In the end, four police officers worked together to forcibly carry the woman who refused to cooperate away from the coffee shop. During the process, the woman tried to resist, but the police had to hug her hands and feet to avoid being injured, and took her directly back to the local police station for investigation.

The director of the police station said that when the staff came to the scene to inquire, the woman refused to answer questions and show relevant identification certificates, and was unwilling to follow the advice and leave voluntarily. Her behavior had affected the normal business of the coffee shop, so she could only forcibly take the person back in accordance with regulations. Take it back to the police station to check her identity.

In addition, according to several local media reports, the woman was suspected to be a returned overseas Chinese. She may have been emotionally unstable due to poor physical condition. After being taken away, the police wanted to let her leave after she was emotionally stable. However, the woman suddenly lost her temper in the police station and made out-of-control behaviors such as roaring loudly and banging hard on the glass door.

The police tried to contact the woman's relatives and friends to take her away, but she may have lived alone, and her family and friends were not in the country and no one cared for her. At present, the woman has been forcibly sent to the hospital by the police.

Picture from: Internet

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