Coffee review

It's on hot search again! Customers were approached by Bawang Tea Lady employees for giving bad reviews!

Published: 2024-10-28 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/28, ▲ Click to pay attention| Daily Boutique Coffee Culture Magazine Coffee Factory Recently, a controversial incident about customers being approached by employees of Bawang Tea Lady after negative reviews attracted attention on the Internet. Related topics also rushed to the hot search list on Weibo on Monday morning. According to Star Video, on July 20, a man released a video saying

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Recently, a controversy about a customer being found by overlord Tea Ji employees after poor reviews has attracted attention on the Internet, and the related topic also made it to the top search list of Weibo on Monday morning.

According to Xing Video, on July 20, a man posted a video saying that after spending at a tea concubine in Chengdu, Sichuan the day before, he felt that the drink tasted bad and tasted different from the previous one, and he did not choose a refund, nor did he want the store to remake it. Because he thought the taste was still the same, he gave a bad comment on the order.

However, he did not expect that the next day, without prior contact, he was suddenly approached by the clerk of the overlord Tea Girl and asked him to delete the bad comments. The man who posted the video said that when he saw the experience of a blogger being approached earlier, he did not expect that the Internet would come into reality and he had also encountered it.

From the video provided by the consumer, we can see that the employee in the black work uniform of Tea King is standing in front of his home, holding a mobile phone and seems to be negotiating with him. After some operation, the employee also said, "just call me, thank you very much."

For the overlord Tea Ji staff "visit" behavior, many netizens called "too scary". As a consumer, it is the customer's right to give a bad review, so it is inappropriate to ask others to delete the bad review, and on the other hand, it does not conform to the review rules.

In the comments section, several netizens also mentioned that they had also encountered the experience of being called by the overlord Tea Girl for giving bad reviews, and stopped calling until the low-score comments were deleted.

However, there is also a view that the shop assistant, who is also a beater, is understandable. Because the bad reviews on the platform are related to stores and linked to everyone's salary, employees who come to the door so eagerly are likely to be instructed by their superiors. "if there are bad reviews, the store manager will ask the employees to communicate by phone with the customers to settle and delete", "and" the employees are also forced to come to the door. "

In response to the controversy, a reporter contacted the overlord Tea Ji, and the customer service staff replied, "because the customer has given a bad review, the store wants to communicate with customers to see where improvements are needed." the store manager said that after the customer ordered, the rider, the store and the platform could not get through the phone, so the clerk would visit and communicate the bad comments. "

As a businessman, in the face of poor reviews from customers and suggestions on taste, rather than trying to cover up the problem by "asking for deletion", it is obviously better to win praise from the public by improving the quality of products and services.

As the saying goes, it is difficult to tune, because the taste of the drink is not in line with personal preferences and the situation of bad reviews is inevitable, businesses should respect every consumer's right to comment. Although for the purpose of communication, a reply such as "I can't get through by phone" can't be used as an excuse for "rashly coming to the door without the consent of the customer to request a bad review."

Picture from: network screenshot

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