Coffee review

Oolong incident! Ruixing employees made mistakes and sprinkled coffee on the quality control teacher!!

Published: 2024-10-28 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/28, ▲ Click to pay attention| Daily Boutique Coffee Culture Magazine Coffee Factory In the circle of Ruixing workers, there is an unofficial employee rule titled "Ruixing, Huge Weird Talk about Rules." One of them says: Be careful to keep it clean, because something called quality control can appear at any time.

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In Ruixing's workers' circle, there is an unofficially published employee rules entitled "Lucky, Giant Rule talk", one of which says: be careful to keep clean, because a weird thing called quality control can occur at any time.

The quality control teacher, a character who can appear in any lucky store at any time, is also the key decision maker who controls the lifeblood of every lucky person. In the eyes of many lucky employees, the most terrible is not the reminder, but the quality control of random inspection to the store.

In Ruixing, no matter the store manager, the old staff, or the newcomer, no one dares to snub the quality control teacher who comes to inspect, even if it is just a customer who comes to buy a cup of coffee and sees this person in a white hat. His face will also become serious, which shows how powerful the quality control teacher is.

Recently, however, a new friend caused a "big disaster" in front of the quality control teacher, but he successfully attracted the attention of many netizens because the scene described was too funny.

Yesterday afternoon, a netizen who claimed to be an employee of Ruixing posted a post on the social platform entitled "I will probably be fired on Ruixing's 10th day of work."... " It soon attracted all kinds of melon eaters to watch.

According to the new employee's description, she was deducted 10 points when she started the class early. When the quality control came to the store for inspection at noon, she broke into the bar again, but accidentally spilled the coffee and spilled the quality control teacher. Finally, the quality control teacher who thought there was a leak in the ceiling, amid the manager's repeated apologies, scored an "86 points" before leaving the scene. As for her who spilled coffee, she had to listen to the manager in the future.

Perhaps it is considering that the surveillance video of the enterprise can not be uploaded at will, but in order to give a picturesque report to the netizens who are passing by eating melons, the employee in trouble used his exclusive soul painting skill to restore the funny scene of "she invited the quality control teacher to drink freshly brewed coffee" with two line villains.

In fact, due to quality control to the store inspection led to excessive tension among employees, and the emergence of oolong incident is far from this one. For example, last month, when another lucky store was carefully examined by the quality control teacher for hygiene under the cabinet, there was also a surprise "latte topping" accident. The voice of beating workers can be heard across the screen: quality control teacher, too Sorry ~

For example, in the comments section, a worker also remembered her personal experience: because there was a bottle of juice that was not thawed in advance, she stuffed it into a colleague's schoolbag and hid it. Who knows, that schoolbag belonged to the quality control teacher himself, and everyone was stunned as soon as he opened it!

But only lucky employees know how hard they can work to cope with sudden visits and strict inspections of quality control. After all, the level of quality control scores is not only a matter of victory or defeat, but also a matter of life and death. once quality control teachers find serious health problems, they will either issue warning orders, demotion, performance deduction and other sanctions.

In the face of the inspection coming at any time, all personnel should not only keep up their spirits to do a good job in cleaning, but also have to arrange troops in advance on weekdays, so as not to let the inspectors "catch something." In private, they do not hesitate to set up intelligence exchange groups, share the real-time location and inspection focus of quality control teachers, and even climb up and down in order to achieve the required scores.

Going back to the new employee who mistook the coffee sprinkling teacher, she also updated a screenshot of a conversation with the store manager last night, saying that she had been given a week's observation period, and whether to go or stay depended on the performance in the next few days. Finally, the manager seemed to be in a cold sweat for her mistake. "fortunately, it was iced coffee, and if that cup was hot coffee, you couldn't bear the consequences."

Picture from: screenshot of Xiao Hongshu

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