Coffee review

Not spoiled! The lucky guy who was driven crazy by the remarks posted a big-character poster!

Published: 2024-09-08 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/09/08, ▲ Click to pay attention| If the daily boutique coffee culture magazine coffee workshop sees a big "Note" posted on the bar, customers entering the door will probably stop and take a look. Recently, when some netizens visited a lucky cafe store, they were attracted by the word "attention" in front of the bar and noticed the precautions posted

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If you see a big "attention" posted on the bar, the customers who enter the door will more or less stop and take a look.

Recently, when some netizens went to a lucky cafe, they were attracted by the word "attention" in front of the bar and noticed the matters needing attention posted. Among them, words such as "no one, two, three, four or five pieces of ice", "hand pounding / perfume cannot be without sugar", "cannot remove ice and cannot be kept at room temperature" have been thickened, which shows the helplessness of the shop assistant in emphasizing these matters.

In fact, it's not just this store that posted notes, but the warm tips listed by employees can also be seen in the ordering areas of other lucky caf é s. It is worth mentioning that the first of these warm tips is "there is no room temperature for coffee, no ice!" there is no one, two, three or four pieces of ice.

In the view of some consumers, it is easy for employees to make drinks without a few pieces of ice, and they can also win praise and praise from customers. Employees who can list these precautions bluntly say that it is not easy to say whether the flexible operation of ice volume can reap praise from guests, but they will probably be scolded and fined if they fail to produce according to the standard.

In addition to Lucky Curry, workers of other tea brands also feel the same way. They said they had also received remarks such as "five ice cubes, one more ice will complain", but there are standards for the amount of ice in the drink formula of the store, and they will be scolded if they violate the rules. And if you hit the rush hour, the clerks don't have the time and energy to count the ice.

Therefore, in order to avoid being scolded and deducted, most workers will inform customers in advance that the drinks cannot be made as required, leaving consumers to choose whether or not to continue to buy, so as to reduce bad reviews. I don't have to bear the risk of illegal operation.

Other workers said that they had received bad reviews such as "bad taste" and "light taste" to meet the needs of customers, such as de-icing and less sugar. Some clerks said that even if customers were told many times before production that the taste would change after the recipe was changed, they were assured that they would "just do it" verbally, but there was still a chance that customers would go out with bad reviews because they didn't like it.

This kind of backstab experience makes some people unwilling to be thankless. They would rather say "can't do it", "can't do it" or even help customers refund orders, rather than making notes according to customers' orders.

Chain drinks usually have a corresponding formula, sugar, ice and so on will be quantified to ensure that every drink produced by each store tastes almost the same. As soon as the temperature of the drink changes, or the proportion of the drink is changed, the taste and taste of the whole drink may change dramatically.

Therefore, most tea brands that pay attention to the standardization of products will not allow employees to change the formula at will to prevent guests from receiving drinks that are not the original flavor and taste. However, there are a small number of brands that allow shop assistants to meet customers'"a few pieces of ice" requirements, perhaps in their view that it is more important to take care of customers' consumer experience.

Picture from: Xiao Hong Shu

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