Coffee review

The boss complained that Mount Everest coffee was too expensive, and the boss complained back!

Published: 2024-10-26 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/26, ▲ Click to pay attention| Daily Boutique Coffee Culture Magazine Coffee Workshop Recently, a topic about "Spanish couples complaining that China toilets are too dirty and coffee is too expensive when traveling in Xizang" has become popular on the Internet, and has also attracted widespread attention and heated discussion. According to media reports, the couple are from Spain and their main business is tourism

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Recently, a topic about "Spanish couples complain that Chinese toilets are too dirty and coffee is too expensive when Xizang is traveling" has gone viral and aroused widespread concern and heated discussion.

According to media reports, the couple, who are from Spain, specialize in travel bloggers and have more than 200,000 followers on their social accounts, after traveling to more than 60 countries. The trip is planned to cycle from Nepal through China to Laos.

When riding to the Xizang area of our country, she released a number of short videos one after another (at present, the relevant videos have been deleted). First, while admiring the splendor of the scenery, she said that a 4-euro cup of coffee was too expensive. She pointed to the coffee in her hand and said, "the beauty of China is amazing, but why is coffee so expensive? 4 euros a cup!" Then, in the video, she complained about the dirty toilets in China and recorded the behavior of vendors along the way.

Subsequently, these complaints quickly caused a strong response on the Internet, in fact, more dissatisfaction with them. Many netizens pointed out that the 4 euro coffee, which the couple complained about being too expensive, was not in an ordinary scenic spot, but in the Mount Qomolangma Reserve, which is nearly 5000 meters above sea level.

You know, the road to the base camp of Mount Qomolangma is tortuous, coupled with the extreme climate, all the materials transported are faced with all kinds of challenges, and the rubbish in the reserve will be pulled down the mountain in the end. Many netizens believe that it is rare to provide freshly ground hot coffee at such a remote and high altitude, and that even in an ordinary scenic spot, a cup of coffee of 4 euros is not particularly expensive.

As the video of the complaint continued to spread, the controversy was further fermented, and just yesterday, stores complained that the coffee was too expensive.

This is a shop owner who drove a yellow coffee car to the scenic spot of Mount Qomolangma. He said that the coffee car is located at an altitude of 4700 meters above sea level and can see Mount Xiaxabangma, the highest peak in China. The coffee shop bought drinking water in Jilong County, and it takes 120km to go back and forth. In such a high altitude area, it can be said that each kind of material is not easy to come by, and the cost is certainly higher than that in many other places, so the price of coffee will naturally be affected.

According to his recollection, the couple ordered an espresso and a cappuccino that day, both of which were clearly marked on the menu.

With regard to the "4-euro coffee" mentioned in the video, he said that the price of his coffee was 25 yuan, but not 4 euros (32 yuan), and the actual price was exaggerated in her mouth.

They did not express any objection to the price of coffee at that time, and then not only took a group photo together, but also specially posted a sticker belonging to the two of them on the boss's coffee car, and the atmosphere was also very friendly. I don't know if I was "complained" as soon as I turned my head.

In fact, the boss did not pay much attention to the topic caused by the couple, but because the other party deliberately said that the price of his own coffee was too high, it was easy to mislead, so he chose to send a video to clarify, "all my coffee products are clearly priced, and everyone can see that if they think it is expensive, they can not buy it."

At the end of the video, the shopkeeper not only clarified the price, but also tore up their sign-in stickers on the car.

Picture from: network screenshot

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