Coffee review

The store suddenly closed! Are the 362 cups of coffee stored by the customer gone?!

Published: 2024-10-24 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/24, ▲ Click to pay attention| Daily Boutique Coffee Culture Magazine Coffee Workshop For some coffee lovers, going to a familiar store to buy a cup of coffee every day is like checking in at work. It is almost unstoppable. Therefore, in order to save trouble, some people will propose to the store to "save cups.", that is, buy a certain number of cups of coffee in advance and then you can arrive every day

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For some coffee lovers, buying a cup of coffee at a familiar store every day is like clocking in at work, so some people, in order to save trouble, will propose to the store to "save a cup", that is, to buy a certain number of cups of coffee in advance. After that, you can pick up the coffee at the store every day.

The convenient "deposit cup" appears not only in independent coffee shops, but also in some chain brands such as Mstand. Customers may buy multiple coffee cards because of special activities or limited perimeter, and then slowly consume them within a specified period of time.

In the eyes of some, the "deposit cup" service offered by chains with multiple stores may be more reassuring. Recently, however, a customer who saved 362 cups of coffee in a chain store found that this was not the case.

Last month, one of the stores of a coffee chain in Kaohsiung offered a "buy 100 get 100 free" offer, according to TVBS. When a local customer learned that he drank coffee more frequently, he thought it was more cost-effective to buy multiple drinks, so he spent 30, 000 yuan to store 480 cups of coffee in the store.

However, more than half a month later, the customer found that the store had been closed since September 1, with a notice on the door saying "the store will be closed from September 1 to September 30 because of manpower shortage and poor health."

If it is only a short-term closure, the customer is not unable to understand. But when he saw the store post on social media that he was going to open the store, he couldn't help but worry about whether his store would continue to open.

The customer said he often patronized since storing multiple cups of coffee, but so far there are still 362 cups of coffee left uncollected. He contacted the shop owner through the chat software, and the other party verbally promised to return the rest of the guest's money, but it could be delayed for a week on the agreed day, and then he could not read back the message sent by the guest and could not get in touch with him completely.

As the coffee shop is owned by a local chain brand, customers try to contact the authorities, hoping to get assistance from the brand.

Unexpectedly, the brand said that the discounts purchased by customers were limited to the franchisee. In addition, the customer service said that usually, consumers need to spend through App when they go to the store, and the system will also have corresponding consumption records and cup storage records. But the customer had only a piece of paper recording the storage of the cup, so he could not go to other stores to pick up the coffee he had deposited in the closed store.

The consumer protection officer said to this. Because of the "accounting independence" between the franchise store and the joined headquarters, the franchise store should pay off and refund the loss of consumers. However, the staff member believes that the whereabouts of the store owner is unknown and cannot be contacted, so the loss of consumers may be difficult to recover.

Officials said they could not help consumers find the whereabouts of the store owners, but the headquarters has contacted consumers and negotiated a solution. It is just that it is still unknown whether the customer can successfully get back the arrears.

Photo by: TVBS related report

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