Coffee review

It's too fine to extract! Manner powder has no standards

Published: 2024-10-22 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/22, ▲ Click to pay attention| Daily Boutique Coffee Culture Magazine Coffee Workshop Recently, a complaint posted on social media about Manner's substitute coffee powder caused heated discussion among many netizens. The poster said that he went to Manner's offline store to buy coffee beans and asked the store to grind them on his behalf. Wait for customers to make their own with coffee powder

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Recently, a complaint post on social media about Manner grinding coffee powder has aroused heated discussion among many netizens.

The poster said he went to the Manner offline store to buy coffee beans and asked the store to grind them instead. When customers made coffee with coffee powder, they found that their semi-automatic coffee machine could not extract and concentrate normally as usual. they thought that this would happen because the clerk would grind it too fine, so they contacted the customer service for a solution.

In the process of communication, the customer asked whether there was a uniform grinding standard for Manner grinding powder, but neither the online customer service nor the store staff could give an affirmative answer to this question, which puzzled consumers.

As for the experience of the poster, many experienced coffee lovers and baristas explained that if the coffee powder used in the semi-automatic coffee machine, there is no so-called grinding standard.

Coffee practitioners say that the first thing they do after opening a shop every day is to adjust the grinding degree according to the state of coffee beans and weather conditions, so as to ensure that the concentrate extracted on that day meets the store's production standards. If the weather is bad, or the coffee beans are too fresh, some stores may adjust the grinding degree several times in a day instead of sticking to a fixed value.

In addition, the grinding calibration standards of different brands of bean grinders are different, and different brands of semi-automatic coffee machines have different requirements for the thickness of coffee powder. Under the influence of various factors, baristas said bluntly that it is very difficult to establish a unified grinding standard based on the use of coffee powder, as the poster said.

Manner employees also left messages under the post. Some people say that although the brand provides grinding services for guests, there is no training for employees on coffee powder grinding, nor do they give clear grinding standards.

They said that in order to avoid that the ground powder is not what the guests want, sometimes they will grind a handful to let the customer confirm the thickness and adjust it to a satisfactory value before grinding the powder instead. However, if the store is busy, it may not be able to provide such meticulous service, but rely on the barista's personal experience to adjust the degree of grinding, so occasionally roll over.

Considering that consumers who buy coffee beans may not have grinding equipment, chain brands such as Starbucks and Manner provide users with generation grinding services.

However, unlike Manner, which is open to all visitors, Starbucks only grinds its own coffee beans for food safety and other considerations, so more customers will choose Manner clerks to help them handle coffee beans bought offline or online.

Some experienced customers suggest that netizens looking for Manner grinding powder for the first time can ask Manner employees to try several different scales according to the situation of their own coffee machine. But more coffee lovers think that if they are worried about the overturning of the substitute grinder, they should buy a bean grinder to debug it themselves, so that they can get a suitable degree of grinding. you can also drink your own satisfactory coffee and experience the fun of doing it yourself.

Picture from: Xiao Hong Shu

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