Coffee review

Tropical Rainforest Alliance Certification and Fair Trade Coffee Organization

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Tropical Rainforest Alliance Certification and Fairtrade Coffee Organization, to put it simply, is to enable us consumers to continuously and reasonably produce safe and delicious coffee; therefore, Fairtrade Coffee advocates that producers must be paid the appropriate equivalent price when dealing with producers in order to maintain a good partnership and ensure that producers have sufficient funds to continue production. The cultivation of coffee

Tropical Rainforest Alliance Certification and Fairtrade Coffee Organization, to put it simply, is to enable us consumers to continuously and reasonably produce safe and delicious coffee; therefore, Fairtrade Coffee advocates that producers must be paid the appropriate equivalent price when dealing with producers in order to maintain a good partnership and ensure that producers have sufficient funds to continue production.

Coffee cultivation and producing areas account for a large part of the southern hemisphere, but the income of farmers in the growing areas is often very low. Fairtrade Coffee can not only narrow the economic gap between the North and the South, but also improve the living environment of workers in coffee plantations. and then protect the natural environment-coffee prices on the market are very influential, as long as prices fall. The manor managed by the bank will cut down the coffee tree together with the shade tree and plant the pasture, and the farmers who used to work on the manor will also lose their jobs. On the contrary, if the price rises, even if it may cause environmental damage, the producing area will still adopt mass production, or even ignore the contracts previously signed with consumer land operators and sell them to other consumers at a higher market price.

In order to improve this phenomenon, the human rights and environment of producers must be protected so that they can grow good quality coffee and get the proper price, while consumers can enjoy good coffee at ease. This is the reason for promoting fair trade.

[rainforest Alliance Certification] RFA (Rainforest Alliance)


The Tropical Rain Forest Alliance is a worldwide non-governmental organization (NGO) established in New York in 1987. Aiming at the traditional agricultural law to prevent excessive development, on the one hand, to protect the natural ecology, but also to maintain the farm life of fine farms, the Tropical Rain Forest Alliance protects the ecosystem and its dependent human beings and wildlife by changing the methods of land use, commercial behavior, and consumer behavior. And achieve the preservation of biodiversity and provide sustainable development.

In addition, the care for producers is also very good, ensuring the right of unity of producers and providing for compliance with the minimum wage law established by the country, focusing on the basic needs of life in addition to ensuring a safe and clean working environment, such as proper housing and drinking water environment, and so on. The medical equipment needed by producers and their relatives, and the establishment of compulsory education institutions for children are all necessary.

The tropical rain forest certification represents that the crop meets:

Less water pollution

Less acid damage

Reduce the impact on the environment and human health

Protect wildlife habitat

Less waste

Use less water

Highly effective agricultural garden management mechanism

Protect the rights and welfare of farmers

Guarantee the income and competitiveness of farmers

Enhance the cooperation between farmers and environmentalists

Since its establishment, the Tropical Rain Forest Alliance has successfully harvested more than 100 million acres of tropical rainforest crops, including bananas, oranges, cocoa, coffee, flowers, guava, mango, palm oil, pineapple, tropical fruits, tea and so on, through relevant norms and regulations in line with environmental protection. Among them, ─ coffee, the second largest agricultural product in circulation in the world, is also certified by the alliance. Changing the way this crop gets along with humans and the environment, consumers must understand that behind every logo of the Tropical Rainforest Conservation Alliance, it symbolizes various tests of cultural, environmental and social influences. when consumers buy these certified goods The Tropical Rainforest Conservation Alliance has traced the entire production process of this product from planting to circulation. The Tropical Rainforest Alliance has helped us ensure that our children and grandchildren can have a healthy, beautiful and sustainable future.

[fair Trade Coffee] FT (Fair Trade)


Fairtrade coffee is mainly traded directly with local coffee farmers at a fair price. In a transparent management model and commercial form. The premise of ensuring the working environment of producers and protecting the local environment. At the same time, provide corresponding production technology and training, build bridges, schools, hospitals and other facilities. The aim is for sustainable development and poverty alleviation.