Coffee review

College graduates create Ningxia version of "garage coffee" for entrepreneurs to build dreams

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, In 801 Entrepreneurship Incubation Park of Northern University for Nationalities, entrepreneurs exchange activities in Victory Entrepreneurship Cafe (photographed on December 24). Located in the west of Zhongguancun, Beijing, garage coffee, known as a gathering place for Internet entrepreneurs, has attracted attention from all walks of life. In fact, near the Northern University for Nationalities in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, it was founded by several university graduates and put into operation this year.

In 801 Entrepreneurship Incubation Park of Northern University for Nationalities, entrepreneurs exchange activities in Victory Entrepreneurship Cafe (photographed on December 24).

Located in the West District of Zhongguancun, Beijing,"Garage Coffee", known as a gathering place for Internet entrepreneurs, has attracted attention from all walks of life. In fact, near the Northern University for Nationalities in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, the Bisheng Entrepreneurship Cafe, founded by several university graduates of the university and put into operation this year, is also providing services for young college students to start their own businesses, striving to create Ningxia version of "garage coffee." Several members of the winning entrepreneurial coffee team decided to build Ningxia's first "garage coffee" through field visits to Beijing Zhongguancun "garage coffee", taking the cafe as the entrepreneurial carrier and attracting young college students with entrepreneurial dreams to settle in. Entrepreneurs only need to order a cup of coffee for 10 yuan, or free boiled water, and they can sit here and enjoy the open office environment for free. At the same time, it also builds a platform for many institutions and enterprises that pay attention to entrepreneurship and help entrepreneurship to contact entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial projects. Tang Ming, one of the founders, told reporters that Bisheng Venture Coffee was founded on April 1 this year. The first phase has invested more than 1 million yuan. The 600 square meters of space not only has an open office hall that can accommodate 100 people, but also 7 independent studios, 4 negotiation rooms and a multi-function hall that can accommodate 50 people. There have been 8 resident entrepreneurial teams. Photographed by Peng Zhaozhi, reporter of Xinhua Agency

In the 801 Entrepreneurship Incubation Park of the Northern University for Nationalities, entrepreneurs work in the Victory Entrepreneurship Cafe (photographed on December 24).

Located in the West District of Zhongguancun, Beijing,"Garage Coffee", known as a gathering place for Internet entrepreneurs, has attracted attention from all walks of life. In fact, near the Northern University for Nationalities in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, the Bisheng Entrepreneurship Cafe, founded by several university graduates of the university and put into operation this year, is also providing services for young college students to start their own businesses, striving to create Ningxia version of "garage coffee." Several members of the winning entrepreneurial coffee team decided to build Ningxia's first "garage coffee" through on-the-spot investigation of "garage coffee" in Zhongguancun, Beijing. With the coffee shop as the entrepreneurial carrier, the entrepreneurial team of young college students with entrepreneurial dreams was admitted. Entrepreneurs only need to order a cup of coffee for 10 yuan, or free boiled water, and they can sit here and enjoy the open office environment for free. At the same time, it also builds a platform for many institutions and enterprises that pay attention to entrepreneurship and help entrepreneurship to contact entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial projects. Tang Ming, one of the founders, told reporters that Bisheng Venture Coffee was founded on April 1 this year. The first phase has invested more than 1 million yuan. The 600 square meters of space not only has an open office hall that can accommodate 100 people, but also 7 independent studios, 4 negotiation rooms and a multi-function hall that can accommodate 50 people. There have been 8 resident entrepreneurial teams. Photographed by Peng Zhaozhi, reporter of Xinhua Agency

In the 801 Entrepreneurship Incubation Park of Northern University for Nationalities, several students enjoy the sand painting of entrepreneur Liu Fei in the Victory Entrepreneurship Cafe (photographed on December 24).

Located in the West District of Zhongguancun, Beijing,"Garage Coffee", known as a gathering place for Internet entrepreneurs, has attracted attention from all walks of life. In fact, near the Northern University for Nationalities in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, the Bisheng Entrepreneurship Cafe, founded by several university graduates of the university and put into operation this year, is also providing services for young college students to start their own businesses, striving to create Ningxia version of "garage coffee." Several members of the winning entrepreneurial coffee team decided to build Ningxia's first "garage coffee" through field visits to Beijing Zhongguancun "garage coffee", taking the cafe as the entrepreneurial carrier and attracting young college students with entrepreneurial dreams to settle in. Entrepreneurs only need to order a cup of coffee for 10 yuan, or free boiled water, and they can sit here and enjoy the open office environment for free. At the same time, it also builds a platform for many institutions and enterprises that pay attention to entrepreneurship and help entrepreneurship to contact entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial projects. Tang Ming, one of the founders, told reporters that Bisheng Venture Coffee was founded on April 1 this year. The first phase has invested more than 1 million yuan. The 600 square meters of space not only has an open office hall that can accommodate 100 people, but also 7 independent studios, 4 negotiation rooms and a multi-function hall that can accommodate 50 people. There have been 8 resident entrepreneurial teams. Photographed by Peng Zhaozhi, reporter of Xinhua Agency

Source: Xinhua Agency