Coffee review

400 tons of Nestle coffee was destroyed as garbage for more than 20 years.

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Coffee that was poured out. This part of the destruction of coffee still has a shelf life of nearly half a year. Such a mass destruction is said to be rare Nestle coffee, which tastes delicious. More than 30 years ago, with this classic advertisement, Nestle coffee is widely known. However, since last month, hundreds of tons of unexpired Nestle coffee in Dongguan warehouses have been destroyed as garbage, which seems to show the other side.

Coffee that was poured out.

The coffee destroyed this time still has a shelf life of nearly half a year, and such a mass destruction is said to be rare.

"Nestle coffee, delicious", more than 30 years ago, accompanied by this classic advertising slogan, Nestle coffee is widely known. However, since last month, hundreds of tons of unexpired Nestle coffee in Dongguan warehouses have been destroyed as garbage, which seems to show the other side.

The centralized destruction of Nestle Coffee continues. In response, senior employees and executives of Dongguan Nestle Coffee Factory all said, "this is rare in more than 20 years." According to insiders, more than 100 tons of coffee have been destroyed, and the total amount of coffee to be destroyed may be close to 400 tons, "taking into account the market price of tens of millions of yuan."

In response, Miss Li, head of Nestle's China public relations team, responded that "the destroyed products have no quality problems, they are returned in the normal market and are close to the shelf life, so we destroy them responsibly."

The "delicious" coffee won't sell.

In 1992, Dongguan Nestle Coffee Factory was officially put into production to produce instant coffee. Mr. H has worked here for more than 20 years and has witnessed its development and growth. In his impression, before 2013, Dongguan Nestle coffee factory in addition to the normal maintenance shutdown, almost 24 hours a day start-up production.

The strong smell of coffee from the towering chimneys of the Nestle coffee factory in Dongguan was once complained of "air pollution" by the surrounding citizens. But since 2013, there have been fewer complaints. "Dongguan Nestle Coffee Factory only operates for 10-11 days a month, and does not turn on production for the whole month of November 2014."

Dongguan Nestle Coffee Factory's production plan for this month has been announced, starting from February 2 to 13. "another 11 days." Mr. H is a little helpless. When I go home for the Spring Festival, I have to stay in my hometown for a few more days and take an annual leave. I have nothing to do when I come back anyway.

Disappointment with Nestl é is pervasive among employees. Since last month, another piece of news has exacerbated the spread of that sentiment. "hundreds of tons of coffee could not be sold and were sent to a garbage incineration power plant for destruction, worth tens of millions of yuan." employees who have worked at the Dongguan Nestle Coffee Factory for more than 20 years have never heard of such a thing before.

If you can't sell the milk, you have to pour it out, and the coffee can't be sold. Why destroy it? It can be promoted, the price can be reduced, and it can be given away for free. Many employees suspected at first that it was false news. But it was quickly confirmed that "it's true."

The supervisor and senior staff of the factory are often arranged to go to the warehouse of the Dongguan Nestle Coffee Factory in Chashan Town, Dongguan, to follow the loading and unloading trucks of the cleaning company, and supervise to ensure that the coffee from the warehouse is dumped into the platform of the waste incineration power plant.

Garbage transfer vehicles packed with boxes of coffee to be destroyed

From January 26 to 29, for four consecutive days, more than 10 cars a day and more than 30 tons of coffee were burned in this way. Some of the coffee destroyed in the past four days was transported from Chengdu to the Dongguan warehouse in a container truck with a Shenzhen license plate. "the container truck contained 25 tons of coffee and all was destroyed."

The destruction continues this week. At noon on February 3, in the Hengli waste Incineration Power Plant operated by Dongguan Kewei Environmental Protection Power Co., Ltd., the garbage transfer vehicle of Chashan Aijie cleaning Co., Ltd. was loaded with boxes of Nestle coffee ready to be dumped.

The garbage transfer vehicle with license plate number "Guangdong SB3713" has run four or five times this day. The rear cover of the car is exposed, and boxes of Nestle coffee are very conspicuous. The driver stopped the car, pressed the machine in front, the car was lifted up, and a supervisor of the Nestle Coffee Factory took pictures to collect evidence.

At noon on February 4th, the garbage transfer vehicle of Chashan Aijie cleaning Co., Ltd., "Yue S81350" and "Yue SB3713", less than 15 minutes apart, came to the Hengli waste incineration power plant one after another, perhaps for fear that exposed boxes of coffee would fall. This time the two cars were covered with woven cloth.

Weigh at the entrance of the power plant, and then remove the woven fabric to facilitate dumping. The weighing clerk of the power plant told the reporter that Aijie's coffee delivery car had come 11 times in the morning.

Boxes of coffee are dumped into the garbage platform, and there is still scattered coffee at the entrance of the platform. The reporter saw that one of the boxes was printed with the words "Nestle Coffee 1: 2 can be made into 11 cups." This is produced by Dongguan Nestle Co., Ltd., and the shelf life lasts until "February 4, 2015". The other package, "22 cups", is produced by Shanghai Nestle Co., Ltd., with a shelf life of two years and expires on September 25, 2015.

Nestl é PR: no quality problems with destroyed products, return in normal market

Following the garbage transfer vehicle of Chashan Aijie cleaning Company, the reporter found two warehouses of Dongguan Nestle Coffee Factory in Chashan Town. One of them is called "Shunlian". The coffee products of Dongguan Nestle are all here, and there is a relatively small warehouse in the corner of Chashantang.

A container truck with a Shenzhen license plate is placed in the yard of "Shunlian". The back door of the container truck is open, and the coffee stacked inside is constantly thrown into Aijie's garbage transfer truck by workers. It is also a container of 25 tons of coffee pulled back from other places in Dongguan, which has to be destroyed.

The security guard of Shunlian said that recently, they have pulled a lot of coffee to destroy it, but they do not know the exact quantity, let alone the reason for the destruction. The reporter contacted a person in charge of the Finance Department of Dongguan Nestle Coffee Factory, who was surnamed Tu. She was surprised by the reporter's inquiry, "how do you know about this?" This is our normal process. After that, whatever the reporter asked, she said, "I can't respond to this."

There is still a shelf life of more than half a year, why should such products be destroyed in large quantities? A staff member of Nestl é, who is responsible for supervising the collection of evidence at the destruction site, told reporters that "the coffee destroyed is basically not out of date, mainly returned by the market; last year, it was changed to a new package, and the ones returned were mainly the old packaging."

In the afternoon the day before yesterday, the reporter contacted the Nestle China public relations team and sent an interview outline. Subsequently, Miss Li, head of Nestl é's China public relations team, responded that "the destroyed products have no quality problems, they are returned in the normal market and are close to the shelf life, so we destroy them responsibly."

However, as to why such a large number of coffee can not be sold, whether this indicates what happened to Nestl é in sales and other problems, the Nestl é China public relations team has not responded as of press time.