Coffee review

Coffee shop pre-entrepreneurial work four major positioning of coffee shop market

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, The market positioning of coffee shop is one of the important factors for survival and development. Therefore, for the positioning of the coffee shop, it is far from enough to master its positioning process, so how to make a reasonable positioning for the coffee shop? (1) avoid strong positioning. Strategy means that enterprises try to avoid direct competition with other enterprises with the strongest or stronger strength, and position their products in another.

The market positioning of coffee shop is one of the important factors for survival and development. Therefore, for the positioning of the coffee shop, it is not enough to master its positioning process, so how to make a reasonable positioning for the coffee shop?

(1) avoid strong position.

Strategy means that enterprises try to avoid direct competition with other enterprises with the strongest or stronger strength, and position their own products in another market region, so that their own products are significantly different from their strongest or stronger competitors in some characteristics or attributes.

Avoid strong positioning strategy can enable enterprises to quickly stand on the heels of the market, and can establish an image among consumers or users, with low risk. At the same time, avoiding strength often means that the enterprise must give up a certain best market position, which is likely to make the enterprise in the worst market position.

(2) head-on positioning.

Strategy means that according to their own strength, in order to occupy a better market position, enterprises do not hesitate to compete head-on with the dominant position in the market, the strongest or stronger ones in the market, and make their products enter the same market position as their competitors.

The competition process is often quite eye-catching, and even produce the so-called sensational effect, enterprises and their products can be quickly understood by consumers or users, easy to achieve the purpose of establishing a market image, but also has a greater risk.

(3) Innovation orientation.

Innovation positioning strategy means that enterprises look for new positions that have not been occupied but have potential market demand, and produce products with certain characteristics that are not available in the market in order to fill the gaps in the market. Products such as Sony's Walkman filled the gap in the market for mini-electronics. Through continuous innovation, Sony has developed rapidly and become a world-class multinational company. When adopting this positioning method, the company should make clear whether the products needed for innovation positioning are technically and economically feasible, whether they have sufficient market capacity, and whether they can bring reasonable and sustainable profits for the company.

(4) repositioning.

The repositioning strategy means that after selecting the market positioning target, the company encounters the problem of inaccurate positioning or although it begins to position properly, but the market situation changes (if the competitor's positioning is close to our company, encroach on part of the company's market, or for some reason, consumers or users' preferences change and transfer to competitors), repositioning should be considered. Repositioning is a retreat-oriented strategy, the purpose is to implement a more effective positioning. For example, when Marlboro cigarettes first entered the market, it was aimed at women, with the slogan: like the weather in May. Gentle. However, although the number of smokers in the United States was on the rise year after year, Marlboro's sales remained flat. Later, advertising guru Leo Boehner worked as an advertising planner, repositioning Marlboro as a man's cigarette and linking it with the most masculine cowboy image, creating a free, wild and adventurous image of Marlboro. Stand out from many cigarette brands. Since the mid-1980s to the present, Marlboro has ranked first in the sales of all brands of cigarettes in the world and has become the leading brand in the global cigarette market.

Market positioning is to design the company's products and image so that the company can clearly differentiate itself from its competitors in the target market. Companies in the market positioning, should be cautious, through repeated comparison and investigation and research to find the most reasonable breakthrough, to avoid positioning confusion, positioning is too wide or positioning is too narrow. Once the ideal positioning has been established, the company must maintain this positioning through consistent performance and communication, and should be constantly monitored to adapt to changes in the strategy of target customers and competitors.