Coffee review

What are the dangers of drinking coffee after drinking alcohol?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Wine and coffee, cup after cup, this old song depicts a strong sentiment, which once intoxicated many people. In real life, when some people eat in a restaurant, they are in the habit of ordering a cup of coffee after drinking. As everyone knows, good wine plus coffee will aggravate the harm of alcohol to the human body, and the danger is still very great. After drinking, alcohol is quickly absorbed by the digestive system and then enters

"Wine and coffee, one cup after another." The deep sentiment depicted in this old song once intoxicated many people. In real life, when some people eat in a restaurant, they are in the habit of ordering a cup of coffee after drinking. As everyone knows, good wine plus coffee will aggravate the harm of alcohol to the human body, and the danger is still very great.

After drinking, alcohol is quickly absorbed by the digestive system and then enters the blood circulatory system, affecting the gastrointestinal, heart, liver and kidney, brain and endocrine systems, and leading to disorders of glucose metabolism, protein metabolism and fat metabolism in the body. the most direct and severe victim is the brain. Caffeine, the main ingredient of coffee, not only affects the central nervous system and muscles, but also speeds up metabolism.

If drinking coffee after drinking, it will turn the brain from extreme depression to extreme exhilaration, and affect the expansion of blood vessels, accelerate blood circulation, greatly add cardiovascular burden, the harm to the formation of the human body will exceed many times that of simple drinking, and even induce high blood pressure, if coupled with emotional excitement, serious, the risk will be even greater.

In fact, this is true not only for spirits, but also for wines with a variety of health effects. Therefore, people who drink more than 30 degrees of liquor more than 50 grams, it is best not to drink coffee, while for people who drink a very small amount of alcohol, it is best not to drink more than one cup (200 milliliters). Within 30-60 minutes of drinking liquor and within 1-3 hours of drinking wine, the free alcohol content in the human body will reach the maximum. Do not drink coffee during this period.

Some people drink coffee after drinking is to understand the wine, in fact, the best way to avoid drunken headache is to drink honey water. Drink a cup of water with a tablespoon of honey before or after drinking. Honey is rich in fructose, which can promote the differentiation and absorption of alcohol and increase the amount of glucose in the blood. In addition, tomato juice is also rich in fructose, eating a tomato after drinking can also play a sober effect.

Source: Sohu net