Coffee review

The most popular instant coffee is roasted. Have you tried it?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Some people say that people who pursue quality of life never drink instant coffee. Foodie Jun really don't believe this statement, instant coffee can not only drink taste, but also change the variety to drink, drink a variety of styles. After millions of netizens verified, the food monarch taught you 5 ways to eat instant coffee. 1. Among the delicious ways to eat instant coffee sprinkled on ice cream, the most common is to sprinkle it on ice cream.

Some people say that people who pursue the quality of life never drink instant coffee. Mr. foodie really doesn't believe this saying, instant coffee can not only taste, but also change the pattern to drink, drink "amorous feelings". Verified by millions of netizens, the eater taught you 5 ways to eat instant coffee.

1. Sprinkle it on the ice cream

The most common way to eat instant coffee is to sprinkle it on ice cream. No matter the taste of milk or vanilla matches very well, those who know how to eat will add some KAHL A coffee and wine, and they will feel delicious when they think about it.

two。 And beer also unexpectedly fit.

Slowly sprinkle one or two spoonfuls on top of the beer foam, over time let it slowly melt, take a sip, you will feel, before and after the flavor will be different. Slowly, not casually and rudely pour it in!

If you add it to a carbonated drink, be careful to match Mentos with Coke!

3. Have you tried baking it with banana toast?

Slice the banana and cover it with toast, sprinkle with two tablespoons of instant coffee and bake in the oven for about 2 minutes.

4. It tastes better with French toast

The method is the same as making banana toast, but Guoku Jun thinks it tastes better with French toast!

5. Coffee biscuits with good snacks and refreshments

For bakers, any ingredient can be used. It is simple and convenient to use coffee powder to make coffee biscuits, and it is good to change occasionally. Soften the butter, rinse the 5ml coffee powder with 45ml water and stir evenly. Sift in 350ml flour, 15ml baking powder and a little sugar to form a dough. Finally, knead each small piece of dough into biscuits about 5mm thick and bake them in the oven for 15-20 minutes, ready to eat.

Source: Wechat platform