Coffee review

12 mistakes killed your coffee.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Know the 12 mistakes that ordinary people make when making coffee, make a cup of coffee that you are satisfied with, and start the day with a good morning. Turning water into caffeine is not magic, but there are many secrets to concocting a cup of coffee that meets the standard of a golden cup. Unless you are a professional barista, if your method is wrong, something will go wrong. So, in order to find out the most common mistakes in making coffee

Know the 12 mistakes that ordinary people make when making coffee, make a cup of coffee that you are satisfied with, and start the day with a good morning.


Turning water into caffeine is not magic, but there are many secrets to concocting a cup of coffee that meets the standard of a golden cup. Unless you are a professional barista, if your method is wrong, something will go wrong.

So, in order to find out the most common mistakes in making coffee, we learned from some industry experts, including Intelligentsia's Geoff Watts,Casa Brasil's Joel Shuler, Cuv é e Coffee's Lorenzo Perkins and Cumberland Farms's Greg Lorance. Take a good look, the best time to get up in the morning will be even better.


1. You didn't buy fresh coffee.

Serious coffee fans may be looking for coffee from a certain farm, area or altitude, but don't worry about it. According to Intelligentsia's Geoff Watts, the best way is to look for coffee that has been harvested in the last six months and roasted in recent weeks.

two。 You bought bad coffee.

"the real secret behind all culinary arts is high-quality raw materials," Geoff said. " Coffee is no exception. This is supposed to be a great adventure, not a fake trip, so avoid these 11 coffee traps.


3. You didn't weigh it.

If you are baking a cake, you will weigh the flour. The same goes for coffee. "if you want to make a good cup of coffee at home, one of the most important things you need to do is buy a small electronic scale," Geoff said. Electronic claims are cheap and interesting to use, eliminating a lot of guesses. Geoff recommends that the ratio of coffee to water is 1:16, and Cuv é e & # 39 Lorenzo Perkins helps convert this to 60 grams of coffee powder for every 1000 milliliters.

4. Your cooking is terrible.

You don't need to buy an expensive espresso machine, but Lorenzo says don't save the filter. Although a suitable dripping machine is fine, if you want to improve your standards, try French pressing or hand flushing.


5. You used pre-ground coffee.

Ground coffee can greatly increase the surface area of coffee in contact with the air. This is needed to make coffee, but leaving it like this will also quickly change the taste of the coffee. Buy whole coffee beans and grind them before cooking them. "you'll be surprised by the difference," says Joel Shuler of Casa Brasil. In addition, Greg even said that coffee beans will go sour after five minutes of grinding.

6. You don't cook it in hot water.

If you plan to cook it with a drip coffee machine at home, something will often go wrong if you don't boil the water high enough. To reduce mistakes, Greg recommends cooking with the hottest water your faucet can provide in the first place.


7. You are not polished properly.

"if you're not going to spend too much on coffee equipment, I would advise you to spend most of your budget on grinders," Geoff said. This is counterintuitive, but it shows how important a good grinder is.

8. You didn't store the coffee beans properly.

"first of all, don't store your coffee in the refrigerator or freezer," Greg said. Low temperatures make it dry, which is not a good thing, "Lorenzo said." the five enemies of coffee storage are "heat, light, oxygen, moisture, and time."


9. You didn't use filtered water.

"Coffee is 99% water," Greg said. If you use bad water, you will make coffee for a business trip. It's that simple. "

10. Your water is not at the right temperature

Our experts unanimously pointed out that the water temperature is very important. 195205 ℉ (90 ℃-95 ℃) seems to be the ideal range, and almost everyone says the hotter the better. If you don't have a thermometer, boil the water, turn off the fire, and leave it for one minute before flushing.


11. You didn't flush the filter.

Geoff recommends rinsing your paper filter with hot water to avoid tarnishing the taste.

twelve。 You don't know what you like.

Do you like fruity Ethiopian coffee? Or Brazilian coffee with milk? Or is it just a refreshing cup of work coffee? Lorenzo reminds us that the best coffee is the one you like, so give yourself some advice.

Original translation: coffee salon translation team Chen Yingxin

Original author: DAN GENTILE

Source: coffee salon