Coffee review

Wang Sen publishes a new book about coffee start-up dreams come true and turn a mobile phone into a coffee machine

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Author Wang Sen, dressed as a barista, spoke with his new book at the launch of the new book. Wang Sen, founder of staggered Coffee, recently launched a new book, "Dreams come true," with the theme of coffee entrepreneurship, following the best-selling 300000 copies of "just want to Open a small Cafe." On June 6, Wang Sen held a new book conference at the Cafe New World Center store to tell the story of the barista dream.


Author Wang Sen was dressed as a barista at the launch of the new book.


Wang Sen spoke with a new book.

Following the best-selling 300000 copies of "just want to Open a small Cafe", Wang Sen, founder of staggered Coffee, recently released a new book entitled "Dreams come true" with the theme of coffee entrepreneurship. On June 6, Wang Sen held a book launch at the Cafe New World Center store to tell the story of a barista's dream come true, encouraging more people to have the courage to face any choice in life.

The dream school under staggered Coffee, taught by Wang Sen himself, has trained 1000 professional baristas since 2012. After graduation, students from all over the world have opened nearly 500 small cafes all over the country. Today, with the surging tide of entrepreneurship and Internet +, they are the practitioners of the 'trinity' of entrepreneurial and innovative life. The times have brought new opportunities and new ideas to cafes who were originally based on their personal interests. They have found that cafes can also have Internet thinking, and baristas are also a decent career.

Wang Sen said that the Cafe New World Center store, which is hosted by the founder Salon, is itself the first store in China to incubate the first O2O coffee chain in China. The Wuhan brand, which claims to turn a mobile phone into a coffee machine, has completed the site selection layout in Shanghai, Hangzhou, Beijing and other big cities, positioning it as the "Google office coffee chain in the office building".

Source: Sina Hubei