Coffee review

Be careful: drinking more coffee will affect women's fertility.

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, With the warming of the climate and the acceleration of the pace of work and life, many friends unwittingly have a "spring sleepy". They can't sleep at night and can't wake up during the day.

Carrying a tired body to work during the day, you will inevitably feel sleepy and listless at work. Therefore, many friends choose to drink coffee to refresh themselves. So, what will be the impact on your health if you drink coffee regularly?

If women drink coffee for a long time, what kind of problems will it cause and what kind of impact will it have on childbearing?

Director Li Furong pointed out that coffee is an irritating drink, long-term drinking has a certain dependence and negative effects, coffee contains caffeine, which can excite the nervous system and cause insomnia or nervous tension. According to the survey, if you drink a lot of coffee for a long time, most people will suffer from insomnia, increase the incidence of pancreatic cancer, raise blood pressure and be prone to heart disease; the caffeine in coffee will destroy vitamin b1, making people tired and irritable. If a woman who is preparing for pregnancy drinks 1 or 2 cups of coffee a day, it is easy to cause infertility.

The harm of women's long-term drinking coffee

First, affect the endocrine and paralyze the nervous system

Women who drink one cup of coffee a day are more likely to suffer from infertility than those who don't drink coffee, according to scientists. Because drinking a lot of coffee will speed up the metabolism and consume the body energy too fast. Long-term persistence in drinking coffee will only make the tired body temporarily "awake", making the body enter a vicious circle of fatigue → brief sobriety → more fatigue, and a large amount of caffeine will also paralyze the nervous system, cause endocrine disorders, and cause female infertility.

Second, accelerate calcium loss and cause osteoporosis

Caffeine is easily combined with free calcium in the human body and excreted through urine. The decrease of free calcium will inevitably lead to the decomposition of bound calcium, which leads to osteoporosis. The University of California in the United States has conducted a study on most pregnant women and found that women who drink more than 1 or 2 cups of coffee a day for a long time, regardless of age and obesity, will reduce the bone mineral density of their hips and spine, thus affecting women's fertility and causing infertility.

Third, the increase of blood sugar is easy to cause diabetes

Coffee can easily lead to elevated blood sugar and diabetes. The rate of menstrual disorders in people with diabetes is as high as 40% to 65%, including amenorrhea, oligomenorrhea and menstrual disorders. The pregnancy rate is only 2%-5% of that of normal women, and the pregnancy rate can only rise to 19%-30% after insulin treatment; but once people with diabetes become pregnant, it has an adverse effect on both mothers and infants, and the incidence of spontaneous abortion, stillbirth and macrosomia is significantly higher than that of normal pregnant women.

Nowadays, young men and women like to drink instant coffee and milk tea very much, but they contain a lot of milk essence, which is a trans fatty acid, which can reduce male hormone secretion, affect hormone synthesis, cause irregular menstruation, sexual dysfunction, and inhibit sperm motility. Affect egg quality and increase the risk of infertility and fetal malformations.

Good health and good pregnancy, experts to help you

Lack of awareness of self-fertility protection is a common problem among modern young people. Director Li Furong suggested that no matter how enthusiastic you are about coffee or how forced you are, enough is enough. Drinking too much coffee is harmful to your body. No matter how young you are, you should pay attention to a healthy and reasonable diet and minimize exposure to toxic and harmful substances in the environment from the age of 20, so as to avoid the occurrence of infertility.