Coffee review

The toilet themed Cafe of the fighting Nation-A menu that makes you feel surprised and disgusting

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, A new coffee shop called Crazy toilet has opened in Moscow, the capital of Russia. The idea of this toilet-themed coffee shop first came from South Korea. The strange thing about this coffee shop is that all the dishes and staples are designed in the style of poop, and all the cutlery is modelled on toilet utensils, which provides highly realistic stool dishes and drinks.

Moscow, the capital of Russia, has opened a new coffee shop called "Crazy toilet". The toilet-themed coffee shop first came from South Korea. The strange thing about this coffee shop is that all the dishes and staples are designed in the style of poop, and all the cutlery is modelled on toilet utensils, and the drinks are served in urinal-shaped utensils for guests.

A new cafe opened last month on Moscow's busy Arbat Street with 50 real toilets as seats for customers. The mini bathtub is covered with a glass countertop with cartoon characters, which is the real table. Cafe management said: they rely entirely on the novelty and uniqueness of the cafe to attract people to spend here because it is impossible to attract too many regular customers on an occasion like this.


"people will be surprised when they see this new and strange thing, and then curiosity drives them to come in and spend money," the manager said. "they should have wondered what the first toilet coffee shop on earth was like. Be sure to go in and have a look. After all, such places are not everywhere. The prices of all the food and drinks in the coffee shop are very reasonable, although the style is a little strange and heavy, but the taste is still good. You can even have a drink in the toilet. Someone else talked to me, the manager of the toilet restaurant. "


The crazy lunch costs 500rubles ($8) per person and includes three dishes-brown gourmet Shanzhen mushroom soup in toilet-shaped cutlery, poop-shaped sausages with mashed potatoes in the bathtub, and a Chocolate Ice Cream dessert. Drinks are also inspired by toilet supplies, warm cocktails served in urinals, and even the healthiest and most normal green tea can not escape the creativity of toilet cutlery. Suspicious yellow drinks are served in milky white urinals with a curl of heat. Of course, sometimes alcoholic drinks are put in old-fashioned metal chamber pots.


It is easy for guests to mistake a coffee shop for a toilet and find that they are going the wrong way when they come in to go to the toilet, but most customers will sit down and order after using the coffee shop bathroom. The walls of the coffee shop are hung with murals or cartoons with the theme of feces, but the real hub is in the restaurant at the back of the coffee shop. The toilet seats in the coffee shop are all closed and tight to prevent customers from having an accident.


This coffee shop is considered to be a global initiative, but the editor thinks it really takes a lot of courage to eat in such a restaurant.


The restaurant owner said, "We have a strange restaurant, so this strange restaurant will attract strange people. There is no shortage of strange things in this world. As long as you are tolerant enough, strange things will give you a lot of ideas!"

Interestingly, many customers said that the fecal murals in the restaurant were uncomfortable, but the restaurant did not take down the postings.


A diner told the reporter: "generally speaking, the food here is very delicious, and the atmosphere of the restaurant is very good, very relaxed and interesting."


Another tourist said: "this is a really unusual place for Moscow. I have never seen such a place or eaten anything like this. I think I will come again when I have a chance, because the food is really delicious!"


It is indeed a crazy toilet coffee shop. What will happen if we open a business in China?

Source: network