Coffee review

Explore barista and customer chat skills to get guests to sit at the bar and enjoy their coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, In recent years: in the coffee bar, barista and customer chat attracted attention, in the coffee bar, not only to produce products for guests, but also to let guests sit at the bar to enjoy coffee place. Therefore, in the foreign coffee BAR business, the barista also has the function of chatting, so you can often see the shadow of the guest leaning against the bar drinking coffee.


In recent years: in coffee bars, baristas chat with customers has attracted attention. At the bar of the cafe, it is not only a place to make products for guests, but also a place for guests to sit at the bar and enjoy coffee.

Therefore, in shops run by foreign coffee BAR, baristas also have the function of "chatting with each other", so guests can often be seen leaning against the bar drinking coffee. You can also see many guests chatting happily with the bartender. The topic of chat is not limited to coffee-related content, but also covers nearby topics such as news or fashion. Sometimes they even laugh one after another, just like good friends chatting, giving people a very warm feeling that we hope to bring the coffee shop as if at home to our guests and friends. Therefore, we should pay attention to the mutual conversation between coffee makers and guests. A cordial conversation like chatting with a friend, making the customer feel at ease.

In addition, the chat between some coffee makers and guests can also find the guests' preference for cappuccino or espresso. At the bar of an Italian coffee bar, guests can directly ask the bartender for "less espresso" or "more milk". The coffee bar chef will also try his best to meet the requirements of the guests and provide the most intimate service. By chatting with guests at the bar, you can skillfully find out your preferred coffee taste. Chatting with the guests can help the coffee bar chef identify several key points that the guests require, and then make a cup of coffee that is more in line with the guests' preferences. Therefore, the coffee bar chef standing at the bar gossiping with guests can be said to be an important service to make guests feel "at home".

You can also chat with guests who are not used to the bar style.

Recently, more and more guests are traveling abroad, so more and more guests are accustomed to Italian coffee bars. In addition, foreign information is also available from magazines, so even in Japan, more and more people seem to be used to drinking coffee at the bar. Some guests came to the coffee bar for coffee in order to chat with the bartender. Having said that, there are still many customers in China who are not used to this way of standing at the bar and drinking coffee. In fact, there are still many people who resist this form of drinking coffee. For these guests who are not used to standing at the bar drinking coffee, the coffee bar chef must strengthen his conversation skills so that he can chat with these guests easily and naturally. To seize the good opportunity to chat or create opportunities to chat, memorize a few topics that are easier to talk to, so that customers naturally start to chat.

I would like to introduce here, transplant the Italian coffee bar to a coffee bar in China! How their coffee bar chef uses conversational skills to chat with customers.

Topics that guests often talk about with baristas

1. The topic of weather

2. Evaluation of coffee

3. Questions about making coffee

4. Location of other branches

5. Expectations for new goods

6. Ask about the content of the goods

Topics that are easier for staff to talk about with guests

1. The topic of weather

2. Which product do you like?

3. Topics in Italy

4. The topic of sports

5. Topics on guests' work

6. Hot news

7. Whether to work nearby

8. Whether you are on your way to work

9. About what the guests are wearing (finding topics from the things around them)

In this shop, baristas can have all kinds of conversations with guests face to face across the bar. Baristas must take the initiative to talk to guests so that they can easily stand at the bar and enjoy delicious coffee. Having said that, it takes courage to suddenly talk to a guest who doesn't even know his name and is a complete stranger. In fact, there are some topics that are easier to talk about. In response to this content, I summed up the work of the coffee bar chef and made a survey.

According to the results of the questionnaire, the categories are based on the following topics:

What do you think of the taste of espresso?

2. Do you work nearby?

Are you on your way to work?

Most of the staff seem to ask guests how they feel about the taste of coffee, their favorite coffee drinks, or their reasons for coming to the store, work, and so on. It is easier for guests to answer questions about their own affairs, so that the conversation will go smoothly. In addition, find out the common topics with the guests. Starting from that topic, most of them can talk very energetically. "what a beautiful watch! I like this brand, too! " Like this, find a topic from the items worn by the guest, such as watches or purses, necklaces, etc. Find out what they have in common, such as the brand you like, and you can create opportunities to chat.

There are other topics about hobbies, sports, hot news and so on. As long as you ask questions that the guests are interested in, you can take the opportunity to open the chatterbox with the guests. As for the guests who are already used to standing at the bar drinking coffee, on the contrary, they will take the initiative to find coffee bar chefs to chat.

In this case, the questions and topics raised by the guests are also varied. For example:

This kind of espresso is really delicious.

What's the difference between a cappuccino and a latte?

3. What kind of drink do you suggest I drink?

Most of them are the feelings or questions about the goods, in addition, the use of the coffee machine and so on, all seem to be about the goods or machines in the store. As a coffee maker, it is very important to answer all the questions raised by these guests. If the answer is not good, the conversation is often interrupted. Therefore, in addition to the basic knowledge of the product or coffee machine, the coffee bar chef must also know the secrets of good coffee or recommended products, as well as interpretation skills. explain it to guests who don't understand it in an easy-to-understand way.

In addition, there are guests' requirements for new products, asking about the location of the branch, praise for the coffee maker, and so on. In the barista's answer questionnaire, there are also a variety of happy episodes, which make people feel deeply about the bad atmosphere created by the bar. In fact, the basis of this beautiful atmosphere depends entirely on the careful observation and service of the coffee bar chef to the customers.

The impression of the first sentence is very important.

Due to the limited occasions and opportunities to get in touch with customers, the impression of the first sentence is very important. The impression of the first sentence on the guest will have a great impact on the following conversation.

At the beginning of the first sentence, or to "say hello" mainly. Like:

1. Good morning!

2. Hello!

Good night!

As long as you greet the customer with a bright smile, I believe the guest will respond with a smile. The most important thing here is not to use things like "Welcome!" Equal standard language should be greeted in a more cordial and natural way. Because it's hard for customers to respond to words like "Welcome". Across the bar, it is difficult for guests to start a conversation with the phrase "welcome". First of all, baristas have to say hello to the guests easily before they can start the conversation smoothly, shorten the distance with the customers and get closer to each other. In a coffee shop, it will say, "you seem to come here every day!" Thank you! " Take advantage of the opportunity to talk to customers, and the two sides start a conversation across the bar. Looking for an opportunity to talk to customers, I often feel embarrassed because I am nervous or uneasy. Therefore, if they are regular customers who often show up in the store, it will be easier and less nervous to take the initiative to say hello to them first. As for the guests themselves, because they have been here many times and are accustomed to the mode of operation of the store, they can deal with it calmly, so it should be easier to talk to each other.

According to different times of the day, changing the language of the chat-up line will also be more effective for starting a conversation.

For example, the most common topic is the weather. Therefore, during the day, it can be said:

It's so hot today.

The weather has been getting cold since yesterday.

If it's in the morning, you can say, "it looks like it's going to rain this evening." Telling guests about the weather forecast for the day is also a good topic to chat with. Because the plan of the day is in the morning, for the guests, the weather forecast for the day is also one of the information they are interested in. Starting a conversation with a topic of interest to the customer is helpful to start a conversation. In addition, if it is a weeknight, for office guests, you might as well say some words of comfort to them, such as "it's been a hard day's work" and so on. A thoughtful greeting to the guest can relax the customer and make the following conversation go more smoothly.

However, when choosing the initial greeting, you must first observe the guest carefully. Judge from the appearance of the guest, what kind of thing is most likely to arouse the other person's interest, and then choose the right topic. This can be said to be very important.

Create opportunities to chat with guests:

1. Say hello according to different time periods

2. Talk about the weather

3. Ask guests where they live or go to work, and find out what they have in common from the topics around them

The conversation skills of having a pleasant conversation with guests

The coffee maker, in order to achieve the purpose of pleasant conversation with the guests, so he made a lot of efforts on the conversation skills. A guest standing at the bar with coffee. I'm usually alone. Under such circumstances, it does take courage to suddenly take the initiative to chat with the guests. Therefore, the coffee bar chef will deliberately say some topics that arouse customers' interest first, so that customers can smoothly join the chat. On topics such as preferred goods, tastes or favorite baseball teams, colleagues at work smoothly ask customers for their opinions in the course of small talk. "what do you think?" As soon as the guest answers the question, he often follows the conversation. To use this method, the tacit understanding between coffee bar chefs is very important, and partners should know how to create a pleasant chat atmosphere. From the guest's point of view, if the partner appears to be depressed, it will be counterproductive.

However, after all, the barista's job is to stir up the topic of conversation, so be careful not to go too far, and finally remember to go back to playing the role of "listener". Dialogue is a mode of interaction between the listener and the speaker. If the listener asks too many questions at once, it will often make it difficult for the speaker to continue. After all, it is the customer who wants to enjoy the chat, not the coffee bar chef himself. Only by being a good listener and making the atmosphere of the chat seem lively, can we find the taste that customers prefer. If you can learn the guest's hobby from the chat. For baristas, this is also a very important skill. There are many skills to make the conversation go smoothly, but the important thing is the smile and eye contact. The point is to always be aware of the presence of guests and chat with them in a relaxed and natural way.

Points for attention in chatting with guests

When chatting with guests, no matter how relaxed and pleasant the atmosphere is, we should be careful not to be too casual. When talking to guests, the coffee bar chef will pay special attention to the words he uses. Always remind yourself that you are chatting with a customer and must not be too hasty. Especially for the elderly customers, we must use the correct honorific, do not make rude remarks, so as not to make guests feel uncomfortable. On the other hand, for student guests, they do not have to look too serious and try to show a cordial attitude.

In addition, there are many guests standing at the bar reading books or newspapers, it is best not to disturb each other at this time. Some guests like to spend their time alone, while others may not want to talk because they are not feeling well or in a bad mood that day. Similar situations can be detected in the conversation when you greet the guest at the beginning. When you meet this type of guest, it's best not to talk to each other.

Baristas should carefully observe the appearance of the guests and skillfully judge what the guests want, which is also one of the very important factors.

Chatting with guests is only a small part of the barista's job. They also have all kinds of work to do, such as taking orders from guests, making coffee and so on. Therefore, baristas should be careful not to get too intoxicated, no matter how enjoyable they are with their guests. Because once the conversation goes too far, other jobs are easy to make mistakes. As a barista, the most important thing is to pay attention to the surrounding situation at all times to meet the needs of all kinds of guests.

Don't forget to find a topic at any time.

Baristas usually rack their brains to think of all kinds of topics that can be talked openly. Most of the customers who come to the store to spend money are still interested in coffee. Therefore, most of these guests will read coffee-related books, collect coffee-related information, and be able to tell what kind of coffee they like. In addition, there are also many guests reading in the store. Since there are so many guests who like reading, you might as well read more bestsellers and share your reading experience with customers.

In addition, it is also very important to take a look at the weather forecast every morning. After all, in the chat, it is easy to talk about the weather. If you know the weather conditions of the day in advance, you can not only provide guests with useful information, but also chat with guests. In addition, knowing about popular TV programs, magazines or eye-catching social phenomena in advance can also increase the topic of chatting with guests.

In this way, I am sure to become a barista who is good at chatting.

The barista in the eyes of customers is like this:

1. Clean and sharp, quick movements

2. Docile but not cowardly, considerate but not wordy

3. Remember the guest's spending habits and location of love every time

4. Treat guests like friends, but keep a proper distance

5. Know how to listen, but don't express your position too much

6. Know how to smile from your heart

7. Can tell jokes

Article source: Internet