Coffee review

The coffee flavor of the world's largest coffee country describes the taste of Brazilian coffee.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, In the first six months of 2008, Vietnam exported 570000 tons of coffee, with an export value of US $1.18 billion, far exceeding the level of the same period last year. In 2007, Vietnam's coffee exports exceeded 1 million tons for the first time, reaching an all-time high of US $1.6 billion. According to the statistics of the Coffee-Cocoa Association of Vietnam, the current coffee planting area in Vietnam is 500000 hectares, which can be divided into three categories according to the planting time.

In the first six months of 2008, Vietnam exported 570000 tons of coffee, with an export value of US $1.18 billion, far exceeding the level of the same period last year. In 2007, Vietnam's coffee exports exceeded 1 million tons for the first time, reaching an all-time high of US $1.6 billion. According to the Coffee-Cocoa Association of Vietnam, the current coffee planting area in Vietnam is 500000 hectares, which can be divided into three categories according to the coffee planting time: the first category was planted before 1988, with 86400 hectares, accounting for 17.3% of the total area. These coffee trees, which are more than 20 years old, have aged and lost their development value and need to be replaced; the second category, which was planted in 1988-1993, covers an area of 139600 hectares, accounting for 27.9% of the total area. These coffee trees are 15-20 years old, most of them begin to age, and the yield decreases gradually; the third kind of coffee is about 274000 hectares after 1993, accounting for 54.8% of the total area, and the tree age is 10-15 years old. these coffee are in a period of vigorous growth and high yield. The future coffee production in Vietnam mainly depends on this part of the area.

Angolan Agriculture Minister Afonso Pedro Kanga revealed that Angolan coffee production this year is expected to double that of last year to 12000 tons. In 2008, in order to regain its status as a major coffee producer in the world, the Angolan government introduced a plan to receive a preferential "micro-loan" of US $5000 per farmer to grow coffee.

Angola was once one of the largest coffee producers in the world, with coffee production reaching a record 225000 tons in 1974. However, the 27-year civil war that broke out after independence in 1975 led to a sharp decline in coffee production in Angola.


Brazil is the world's largest coffee producer, known as the "coffee country". The coffee grown in Brazil includes both the long-standing Arabica coffee and the young and robust Robster coffee. There are nearly 4 billion coffee trees there, and the number of people engaged in coffee production is three times that of Colombia, the second largest coffee country in the world. Brazilian coffee sometimes accounts for 90% or more of Italian espresso Espresso. Brazilian coffee is usually treated by sun-drying or semi-washing. Although there are many kinds of Brazilian coffee, most of them have low acidity and smooth taste, which is suitable to match with other individual coffee beans to make espresso, which can form golden foam on the surface of espresso and give the coffee a slightly sweet taste and a long finish. Brazil has the largest production in four states: Parana (pir), St.Paulo (Sao Paulo), Minas Gerais (Minas Gerais) and Espirito Santo (Esp í rito Santo), with Parana in the south accounting for 50 per cent of total production. Brazil's famous bourbon Santos (Brazil Bourbon Santos) is a world-famous individual coffee. Bourbon Island (Bourbon) is also what is now the island of Reunion (La Runion). Santos is the port of Porto de Santos, a port in the Atlantic Ocean in southeastern Brazil, where coffee is exported from different producing areas, including coffee from Sao Paulo, Parana and the southern state of Minas Gerais, which is of the best quality. Note: red Center (Red center); Golden Rio Bean (Goldern Rio); washed Bahaya (Bahia)

Ranking of coffee brands in the world

Nestle Nescafe: coffee with a long history, founded in 1867. The Bird's Nest trademark was designed at the end of the 19th century to pray for a reduction in infant mortality in the world. UCC: founded in Japan in 1933, it is the most successful Japanese brand in the world and a guarantee of quality. Royal Copenhagen RoyalCopenhagen: has always had a high-quality evaluation of the royal Copenhagen. It has an unshakable position in the coffee market. Chris Coffee KreisKaffee: in Germany in 1963, it was the world's earliest vacuum packaging method to be developed into instant coffee. It is well received in Europe, the Soviet Union and other countries. Grant coffee GrandosCoffee: a famous coffee brand in Germany. Launch a series of cappuccino coffee, fragrant and mellow. It is common in the market for its carry-on packaging. Didley Tetley:19 was founded in England in the middle of the century, and its products are very popular in France, the United States and other countries. Virgiwood Wedgwood:17 is a brand born in the UK in the middle of the century. It has the traditional fragrance of English coffee. RoyalFlavor: sometimes it's light, sometimes it tastes authentic. The same product can be tasted in a variety of ways. Dallmayr: there is a coffee shop in Munich, Germany, whose coffee was once famous for being loved by the Bayer royal family. Shangdao Coffee: founded in Taiwan in 1968, it is famous for its well-honed roasting technology and unique taste. But Brazilian coffee is the best.