Coffee review

Value addition of coffee by in vitro hot fermentation

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Through in vitro thermal fermentation technology, the ITRI has successfully developed masked palm civet coffee with a unique taste in Taiwan, which has also created new industrial value for coffee farmers in Taitung. Five years ago, the farm of coffee farmers in Taitung, which was first assisted by the ITRI, has seen a turnaround in the tourist market. The number of tourists has increased as much as 10 times every month, and masked palm civet's coffee has earned more than 100,000 yuan. In vitro hot fermentation is not produced by South Branch of Industrial Research Institute.

Through the "in vitro hot fermentation technology", the ITRI has successfully developed masked palm civet coffee with a unique taste in Taiwan, which has also created new industrial value for coffee farmers in Taitung. Five years ago, the farm of coffee farmers in Taitung, which was first assisted by the ITRI, has seen a turnaround in the tourist market. The number of tourists has increased as much as 10 times every month, and masked palm civet's coffee has earned more than 100,000 yuan.

In vitro hot fermentation is not excretory bean.

Zhang Jinghui, a researcher at the Ecological Composite Department of the South Branch of the Industrial Research Institute, pointed out that both Indonesian and Vietnamese civet coffee are musk cats that eat the beans into their stomachs and then take out the beans through excretion, but for conservation, safety and health considerations, the ITRI research team coached Taitung coffee farmers to develop masked palm civet coffee with the innovative technology of "in vitro hot fermentation". It is different from the traditional way of feeding coffee beans to civets and then removing coffee beans from cat excretion products.

Zhang Jinghui said that the research team isolated and cultured beneficial intestinal lactic acid bacteria, such as lactic acid bacteria, yeasts, B bacteria, and F bacteria, from the intestines of masked palm civet (also a member of the civet family) in Taiwan. Then these high-purity lactic acid bacteria and fresh coffee beans were used for biochemical thermal fermentation in vitro, and then made into safe and hygienic masked palm civet coffee beans.

Revenue from sightseeing sales has doubled.

The stool from the fruit beaver, um, has been treated with scientific and technological techniques and combined with coffee beans, resulting in a unique flavor, creating industrial vitality for coffee farmers in Taitung's production and marketing class. Ruan Yong-Kuang, owner of the Taitung Mountain Pig Farm, said that he and the members of the production and marketing class originally did not know how to make coffee. With the assistance of the ITRI, 10 members of the production and marketing class can produce masked palm civet coffee, and the economic value of the coffee tree has been greatly improved.

Taking the mountain pig farm he runs as an example, Ruan Yongguang grows more than a thousand coffee trees. after producing masked palm civet coffee through technology, because the coffee combines multi-level taste, like a drink dancing on the tip of the tongue, the number of people visiting the ranch every month is as many as 1,000. 10 times more than the previous undeveloped masked palm civet coffee.

Masked palm civet's filter coffee costs NT $360 per box and NT $1,000 for half a pound, and coffee income also injects operational benefits into the farm.

(responsible Editor:)