Coffee review

Emerging countries account for 20% of the world's coffee consumption.

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, According to Brazil's "World wide Web", emerging countries represented by China, Brazil, Russia, India and South Africa currently consume 20% of the world's coffee, which will reach 35% by 2020. According to analysis, the increase of the middle class in these countries is an important factor driving the growth of coffee consumption.

According to Brazil's "World wide Web", emerging countries represented by China, Brazil, Russia, India and South Africa currently consume 20% of the world's coffee, which will reach 35% by 2020. According to analysis, the increase of the middle class in these countries is an important factor driving the growth of coffee consumption.

The International Coffee Organization (Portuguese abbreviation OIC) estimates that in 2020, global coffee consumption will reach 158.9 million bags x 60 kg to 173.6 million bags, with an average of 166.1 million bags per year. In 2012, global consumption was 142 million bags.

By 2020, 1 billion people in emerging countries will enter the middle class with better incomes and access to the fruits of improved global quality of life, including a "delicious cup of coffee". In addition, the emergence of a large number of coffee shops in cities has led to the growth trend of coffee consumption from home, and the growth of coffee houses will triple in the next 10 years. Another factor driving the growth of coffee consumption in emerging countries is the progress in the production of instant coffee industry. The instant coffee industry can provide "better coffee" to people who like to drink tea.

Brazil's contribution to the growth of coffee consumption in emerging countries is relatively small, as Brazilians consume coffee almost saturated, with an annual per capita consumption of 6 kg, which is higher than that of developed countries such as the United States, France and Italy. The growth of coffee consumption in Brazil has slowed down, but the consumption of high-quality coffee will increase significantly, which will bring more value to the Brazilian coffee industry.