Coffee review

Booming Coffee Industry in Pu'er City

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Pu'er City is located between 22 degrees 02 to 24 degrees 50 minutes north latitude and 99 degrees 09 minutes to 102 degrees 19 minutes east longitude. Passing through the Tropic of Cancer, Pu'er City is a plateau climate zone with low latitude and humid monsoon climate in the south subtropics. It is in the same latitude as the world-famous coffee growing area Colombia, which is the golden zone of coffee cultivation.

First, Pu'er "Simao small grain coffee"

Coffee has been cultivated in Pu'er City for more than a hundred years. It is introduced by missionaries and planted sporadically in Lancang, Jiangcheng Jingdong, Jinggu, Menglian County and other places. During the period of large-scale coffee cultivation, the place name of Simao City and the local standard of Yunnan Province "Simao small seed Coffee Comprehensive Standard" DB53/T154 have been used. 1-10-2006, so Pu'er coffee still uses the raw material brand "Simao small seed Coffee". The development of coffee industrialization in Pu'er City began in 1988. For more than 20 years, the Pu'er municipal party committee and government have always regarded the development of coffee as a backbone industry to adjust the industrial structure and increase farmers' income, and adopted the agricultural industrialization management model of "company + base + farmers". And established a good trade partnership with Nestle Coffee Company, the coffee industry has made great progress.

Because of its geographical location and special climatic environment, Pu'er coffee is of good quality and is favored by world-famous coffee companies. Since 2004, the Bureau of quality and Technical Supervision of Pu'er City has sampled from the coffee industry federation (mixed samples from more than 30 coffee companies in the city) and sent it to the Food quality Supervision, Inspection and testing Center of the Ministry of Agriculture (Chengdu) for testing. BHC (BHC) and DDT have not been detected, and the sanitary indicators are better than the green food standard. Since 2006, Nestl é has sampled coffee purchased from Pu'er and sent it to Yunnan entry-exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau for testing. Agrochemicals banned and restricted by Japan's "positive list system" have not been detected. The excellent inherent quality of Simao small seed coffee is recognized as a first-class product by the International Coffee Organization (ICO). Nestle Coffee Company has newly launched Nestle Fine Coffee (Limited Edition), whose raw beans are Pu'er 's high-quality Simao small seed coffee. And Japan's Dayinam Comprehensive Investment Co., Ltd. (Beijing Jiyiou Coffee Co., Ltd.) has also registered Simao small seed coffee in Japan. In January 2006, the American Special Coffee Association compared Simao small seed coffee with Colombian coffee. The overall score was 85.88% for Colombian coffee and 88.75% for Simao small seed coffee. Pu'er coffee has a certain popularity in the world.

Second, the present situation of Pu'er coffee industry.

In order to cultivate coffee into a backbone industry for farmers to increase their income and become rich, the Pu'er municipal government issued the "opinions on speeding up the Development of Coffee Industry" and set up the Coffee Office (Biological Resources Development and Innovation Office) as the competent department of the coffee industry. responsible for industrial development planning, policy guidance, coordination and liaison and supervision and inspection, strengthen the inspection and quarantine record management of coffee planting base It has created a good environment for the development of coffee industry. The Pu'er coffee test and demonstration field was established in 2000, which is an economic entity of production, learning and research, which undertakes the tasks of high quality and high yield, technical training, variety test and promotion of coffee. Over the past few years, we have successively carried out the construction of biodiversity ecological coffee garden, water drop irrigation to increase the yield of coffee by 30% per mu, organic coffee experiment, variety comparison experiment, and supporting experiments on the processing process of certain coffee species and fresh fruits. The average yield of commercial coffee rice is 182 kg per mu in 365 mu in seven years. Thousands of coffee experts and merchants from more than 10 countries have visited, exchanged and studied at the demonstration site. Ten thousand copies of "cultivation rules for high yield and high quality of Simao small seed coffee" were made and provided to growers. In view of the impact of cold damage in 1999 (156000 mu affected 112700 mu, accounting for 72.2%), experts were organized to compile the "Analysis and Countermeasures of Coffee Cold injury in Simao area of Yunnan Province" for disaster prevention. In 2003, it was the first to set up a coffee industry federation in the country, with the purpose of "serving members, safeguarding the common interests of members, and giving full play to the overall benefits of the coffee industry". Standardize the production technology, product standards and marketing behavior of the coffee industry; undertake to formulate the development plan of the coffee industry, organize the evaluation and application of coffee projects, and coordinate and solve the related problems in the development of the coffee industry. Vigorously publicize the advantages and brands of Pu'er coffee industry abroad, carry out external exchanges and cooperation, strive to improve the popularity of Pu'er coffee, and publicize the coffee industry policies of the municipal party committee and the government internally. Provide domestic and foreign coffee planting and processing advanced technology and market supply and demand information 269, formulate the "Simao small seed Coffee Comprehensive Standard" in Yunnan Province, and negotiate to determine the annual minimum selling price of coffee. Guide and coordinate the healthy development of the coffee industry in the city.

At present, the coffee industry in Pu'er City has basically entered the era of standardized management and standardized production: the production technology is unified, the product quality is consistent, and the regional brand of "Simao small seed Coffee" has been further improved. The city has 158 coffee planting bases of a certain scale, 161 coffee peeling processing plants, 45 shelling processing plants, 3 deep processing plants, 2 coffee bean brands (Beigui, Lancangjiang), 2 deep processing product brands (Beigui, first product), 31 cafes (rooms), 5 export enterprises, and more than 100,000 employees in the coffee industry, involving more than 20,000 farmers. The existing coffee area of the city is 178000 mu, accounting for 46.8% of the province's coffee planting area (380000 mu) and 44.5% of the national coffee planting area (400000 mu). The production area is 113000 mu, and the output of coffee beans is 14300 tons, accounting for 53.0% of the province's output (27000 tons) and 51.1% of the national output (28000 tons), with an output value of 254.1655 million yuan (average mu output value of 2249 yuan). Exports of 11000 tons, accounting for 48.0% of the province's (23000 tons), exports of US $26.761,800, accounting for 42.0% of the province's (US $63.71 million). Coffee in the city is developing steadily, increasing per unit yield and producing high-quality products, achieving a yield of more than 120kg per mu (126.7kg/mu). The standardized coffee shelling production line completes flow operations such as shelling, particle size classification, gravity classification, polishing, color selection, automatic weighing and packaging at one time, and the rate of first-grade coffee products is more than 80%. With the continuous growth of coffee output and output value, the coffee industry has become an advantageous and characteristic industry for farmers to get rich, enterprises to increase efficiency and export to earn foreign exchange.

III. Difficulties and problems facing Pu'er Coffee Industry

Pu'er is the largest coffee planting base in China, with the best planting environment, the best coffee quality and the largest coffee output. The coffee industry has a good development prospect, and there is an urgent need to give full play to the advantages of a good planting environment. Tap coffee planting potential to promote the development of coffee industry. However, the coffee industry is still facing a series of difficulties and problems, mainly: 1, the publicity is not enough, good quality and sales price are not on the same level; 2, the coffee industry still stays in the raw material production, has not formed the coffee industry chain. Therefore, we sincerely hope that people with lofty ideals will invest in the coffee industry and quickly transform Pu'er coffee from raw material type to deep processing type, so as to increase added value and increase farmers' income.