Coffee review

Why is iced coffee more expensive than hot coffee in summer and winter?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, I think every coffee shop makes iced coffee differently, and iced coffee tastes differently. So some coffee shops ice coffee will be more expensive, some coffee shops ice coffee will be cheaper. There are many ways to make iced coffee, but the most popular and expensive iced coffee is cold extract iced coffee. Cold extracted coffee is coffee beans that have been ground roughly and then stored at room temperature or in the refrigerator.

I think the way each coffee shop makes iced coffee will be different, and the taste of iced coffee will be different. So iced coffee in some cafes is more expensive and iced coffee in some cafes is cheaper. There are many ways to make iced coffee. The most popular and expensive iced coffee is cold extracted iced coffee. Cold extraction coffee refers to the coffee beans after rough grinding, soak in pure water at room temperature or in the refrigerator overnight, and then filter out the coffee liquid. Cold-extracted coffee is made by adding substances such as ice cubes. Most coffee shops use this method to make iced coffee, which will undoubtedly increase the price of coffee. But if you use the method of pouring hot coffee directly on the ice, it will be less expensive.

Now you know why iced coffee is more expensive than hot coffee. The editor, as a layman in coffee making, has always been puzzled by this question, and suddenly became clear after reading the above content. In summer, the popularity of an iced cup of coffee is absolutely super high, which can not only relieve the heat but also bring a strong flavor of coffee. Coffee lovers, be sure to give it a try!

Reason one: it takes more labor and time to make cold-extracted iced coffee than to make hot coffee. Many baristas believe that if coffee shops make real cold-extracted coffee, it is necessary that the price is higher than hot coffee.

Reason 2: iced coffee, as its name implies, obviously needs ice, which means that a coffee shop may need to buy an ice maker. Of course, this adds a little bit to the cost.

Reason 3: iced coffee does cost a little more than hot coffee. Iced coffee, for example, needs to be filled with plastic cups and is equipped with straws. This is more expensive than hot coffee using paper cups alone.

Most baristas believe that if the same amount of beans are used to make iced coffee and hot coffee respectively, the former has less coffee than the latter.

Release time: 16:02:26, 2016-06-06 number of visits: 1772

Summer is coming, and it's great to have a cup of iced coffee. The cool feeling and strong coffee flavor make you irresistible. The editor is a crazy coffee lover who spends more time in the cafe than at home. Recently, the editor found a problem that iced coffee in cafes is a little more expensive than hot coffee. For example, the average price of an oversized iced coffee at Starbucks is 33.2 yuan, and the average price of an oversized hot coffee is 32 yuan. Why?

So why is iced coffee generally more expensive than hot coffee? Here are some of the reasons that baristas generally agree with.

The whole problem boils down to cost. In other words, a cup of iced coffee costs more than an ordinary cup of coffee. The founder of LoftedCoffee Bakery, Brooklyn, has made several key explanations on this issue.