Coffee review

China's coffee consumption is increasing year by year-the growth rate has been stable at more than 16% in the past decade.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, In terms of absolute quantity, coffee consumption in China is still in the doldrums. At present, the scale of the global coffee consumption market is about 12 trillion RMB. The United States is the largest coffee consumption market in the world, with an annual consumption of about 3 trillion RMB, while the coffee consumption market in China is about 70 billion RMB. However, in terms of growth rate, the annual growth rate of coffee consumption in China is about 15%, which is much higher than that of the whole country.

In terms of absolute quantity, coffee consumption in China is still in the doldrums. At present, the scale of the global coffee consumption market is about 12 trillion RMB. The United States is the largest coffee consumption market in the world, with an annual consumption of about 3 trillion RMB, while the coffee consumption market in China is about 70 billion RMB. However, in terms of growth rate, China's coffee consumption is growing at an annual rate of about 15%, much higher than the 2% growth rate of the global market. In terms of per capita consumption, the per capita annual consumption of coffee in China is only 0.03 kg, which is far lower than 5.6 kg in the European Union and 4.2 kg in the United States. The annual coffee consumption per capita in the world is about 1.25 kg.

At present, the average Chinese consumes only 4 cups of coffee per year, while Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other big cities consume an average of 20 cups per person per year. However, a survey by the International Coffee Organization (ICO) shows that compared with the average annual consumption of 200cups by Japanese and 140cups by Koreans in neighboring countries, China's coffee consumption market has great potential.

From the perspective of coffee drinking structure, globally, ground coffee accounts for more than 87% of the total coffee consumption, while instant coffee accounts for less than 13%. In China, instant coffee is the largest segment of the coffee consumption market, accounting for 84% of the market share. The market share of freshly ground coffee is only about 16%.

From the above data and facts, we can see that chain brand management is the inevitable trend of coffee management, so as to increase more competitiveness. At present, the market share of ground coffee is not high enough, but with the improvement of people's quality of life, this area still has great potential. Therefore, if you join a good brand, and then reserve enough knowledge and management literacy coffee industry, I believe you can also play around.

For China, a country with tea as its drinking culture, the development of "imported products" such as coffee will not be particularly easy. However, many coffee shops in shopping malls and the expansion of various coffee brands in China tell us that coffee is a potential industry in China. So, what is the development of coffee in our country?

Coffee, "dissolve" in China

In the last century, instant coffee and Italian espresso led two coffee waves respectively. With consumers' pursuit of coffee taste and personality, since 2000, the third wave characterized by the optimization of coffee beans and fine coffee with great craftsmanship has swept the world. As a fast-growing coffee consumption market, China has also been affected by the coffee wave.

According to the report of the International Coffee Association, coffee consumption in China has increased year by year, with an increase rate of more than 16% in the past 10 years. Not only foreign capital, but also a large amount of domestic capital has poured into the coffee industry, and independent cafes have opened in some major cities. However, due to the immature consumer environment, many cafes do not have enough technology accumulation and operational experience, coupled with the impact and squeeze of foreign chain coffee brands, the collapse of start-up coffee quickly swept the whole industry.