Coffee review

New ways of consumption in foreign cafes monthly consumption brings good business

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, 25 dollars a month, you can drink unlimited, no matter how you look at it, you will lose money. Are you sure you won't go out of business? Of course, the cafe has its own secrets as well as offering monthly drinks, as well as selling art, clothes, home designs, beer and wine. Such as a $29 handmade Colombian beaded necklace, a $368 gummed cotton raincoat, and a $45 belt

25 dollars a month, you can drink unlimited, no matter how you look at it, you will lose money. Are you sure you won't go out of business?

This cafe certainly has its own secret--

While offering monthly drinks, they also sell works of art, clothes, home designs, beer and wine.

Examples include $29 handmade Colombian beaded necklaces, $368 gummed cotton raincoats, $45 knitted caps with reflective thread, and $68 colorful watercolors made in San Francisco.

A monthly fee of $25 per person alone is not profitable, but with the sale of all kinds of fine clothes and works of art, it is possible to make a profit.

In other words, the cafe is actually a shop under the name of a coffee shop, attracting frequent patrons with monthly drinks and activities for $25 a month.

The longer people stay here, the more likely they are to buy something else in the store, and the cafe will constantly adjust its products to attract members to donate generously based on their understanding of their tastes and needs.

Psychological game: the bet is that you won't come every day!

Do cafes have to lose a lot of money when they offer coffee drinks at a monthly price of $25?

Not necessarily.

First of all, the raw material cost of each cup of drink is actually not high. Caumen's article introduced the 8-yuan and 10-yuan cabbage-priced coffee operated in the bustling business circle. The reason why it is so cheap is that, taking into account the cost of raw materials alone, the cost of a cup of coffee is about 3.6 yuan. These low-cost coffee can be profitable if you sell a certain amount of coffee.

If calculated according to 3.6 yuan per cup of coffee, 25 US dollars per month, or almost 166 yuan, in terms of the cost of raw materials, each member will drink about 46 cups of coffee a month, and the coffee shop will only lose money on drinks.

Drinks such as lemonade may cost even less.

There is an interesting psychological game behind this monthly model, that is, betting members can't come every day.

Just like we bought a gym membership card, the average cost of a year is not much every day, but in fact, most people can't go there every day.

The same is true of this monthly cafe, where many members can't come every day because of overtime, business trips, dates, and so on.

We can assume that, overall, the monthly fee of $25 a month for members can cover the cost of drinks they consume.

Many people will say that this may be the case for the cost of drinks, but coffee shops also have rent, labor, electricity and other costs.

Don't forget that coffee shops also sell all kinds of clothes and handicrafts.

If members' membership dues can solve the cost of their drinks, leaving aside the drinks, it is equivalent to a clothing arts and crafts store with more than 1000 very loyal members every month.

Fair Folks & a Goat Cafe's speculation on consumer psychology is also reflected in one small detail: it sells beer and wine as well as clothes and works of art.

In theory, this is ridiculous, because there is an unlimited supply of coffee, tea and lemonade in the store, so how can anyone spend money on wine?