Coffee review

Kunming Airport intercepts two coffee pests in US express for the first time (photo)

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Recently, the staff of the express department of Kunming Airport Inspection and Quarantine Bureau (hereinafter referred to as Kunming Airport Bureau) intercepted raw coffee beans in an express delivery from Portland, USA, and on-site quarantine found many live insects. Identified by the Technical Center of Yunnan entry-exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, the live insects are coffee bark beetle Hypothenemus hampei (Ferrari) and coffee bean weevil Araecerus fa

Recently, the staff of the express department of Kunming Airport Inspection and Quarantine Bureau (hereinafter referred to as Kunming Airport Bureau) intercepted raw coffee beans in an express delivery from Portland, USA, and on-site quarantine found many live insects. Identified by the Technical Center of Yunnan entry-exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, the living insects are coffee fruit beetle Hypothenemus hampei (Ferrari) and coffee bean weevil Araecerus fasiculatus (De Geer). Among them, coffee fruit bark beetle is a quarantine pest, both of which are intercepted at Kunming airport port for the first time.

Coffee bark beetle is an important pest in coffee production. After being damaged by this pest, the yield and quality of coffee beans decreased significantly. In severe cases, the damage rate of mature fruit reached 96%, the harvest decreased by 73%, and the annual loss to the world's coffee production reached 500 million US dollars. China and many countries in the world have listed the insect as the object of entry phytosanitary. At present, there is no record of distribution in China. Coffee bean elephant is an important pest of coffee beans, cocoa, etc., which can lose 30% of the weight of the injured coffee beans within 6 months, also known as erosive reserve pests. It is the number one stored grain pest in China. In China, it mainly harms stored products such as corn, medicinal herbs, dried potatoes, koji, garlic, rice, wheat, sorghum, grain products and so on.

It is reported that Kunming Airport Bureau intercepted 1796 batches of plants and products in 2016 and detected 43 species of pests, of which 10 species and 42 quarantine pests were detected.