Coffee review

Is white coffee white coffee?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, We know that black coffee is brown and black, so is the packet of coffee white? In fact, white coffee is not white coffee, it shows a light milky golden yellow, looks more similar to the color of milk tea. Why is white coffee different in color from other coffees? The reason why white coffee has such a distinctive color is that its production process is different from that of ordinary coffee. General

We know that black coffee is brown and black, so is the packet of coffee white? In fact, white coffee is not white coffee, it shows a light milky golden yellow, looks more similar to the color of milk tea.

Why is white coffee different in color from other coffees?

The reason why white coffee has such a distinctive color is that its production process is different from that of ordinary coffee. In general, coffee is obtained by roasting and roasting coffee beans at high temperature into raw coffee pulp, and then drying, while white coffee is the product of roasting the same coffee beans at medium and low temperature and removing caffeine and fat by a special process. sometimes milk and sugar are added to it, resulting in a lighter color than ordinary coffee.

Who is suitable for drinking white coffee?

In addition to choosing coffee according to your own tastes and preferences, you can also choose according to your own characteristics. If you want to use caffeine to refresh white-collar workers, stay up late, or people who tend to be depressed, it is better to choose regular coffee with more caffeine, but it is best to drink no more than 2 cups of coffee a day.

If you don't like bitterness, people who are losing weight or obese people, white coffee will be more suitable, so that the fat intake from coffee will be reduced, which will help to maintain the effect of weight loss. People who are prone to insomnia if they want to enjoy coffee, choosing white coffee can also reduce the insomnia caused by caffeine.