Coffee review

Someone else's school! There is a literary style coffee bar in the teaching building of Zhejiang University.

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, The library is too crowded, the classroom is very boring, and the consumption of cafes is high in the hearts of many college students. They have always dreamed of having a perfect place for self-study, which is not only close to the teaching area, but also comfortable and warm enough to have affordable drinks and desserts when hungry. Well, in Zijingang Campus of Zhejiang University, this dream has come true. In the corridor of the teaching building, a good-looking literary coffee bar has become a recess for college students.

Libraries are too crowded, classrooms are boring, cafes are expensive. In the minds of many college students, they have always dreamed of having a "perfect self-study place" that is not only close to the teaching area, but also comfortable and warm enough, hungry and affordable drinks and desserts. Well, in Zijingang Campus of Zhejiang University, this dream has come true. In the corridor of the teaching building, a good-looking literary coffee bar has become the first choice for college students to take a break.

The coffee is fragrant, the floor-to-ceiling window is sunny and the environment is pleasant. The large bookshelves readily available behind them are filled with all kinds of works of Zhejiang University Publishing House, and groups of "high achiever" can also meet to study topics in small conference rooms. The poster abstract paintings on the wall, the wooden sketches on the bookcase, and a blackboard wall more than 5 meters high that draws the school history of Zhejiang University and all kinds of high-cold formulas all exude a strong literary and artistic flavor, and all these are made by talented students of Zhejiang University.

In addition to the good-looking environment, the food quality here is also excellent. The professional baristas employed by Costa, coffee machines imported from Italy, and all kinds of bread and desserts have been affirmed by many foodies.

With a good-looking environment and high-quality meals, many netizens will be curious about the price. The American style of 8 yuan per cup can be called the conscience of the industry. the price of the most expensive coffee is 15%, and all kinds of bread costs only 5-6 yuan, which is acceptable to many college students. It is reported that the coffee bar is independently operated by Zhejiang University Logistics Group, which not only improves the quality, but also ensures the parity.