Coffee review

Xi'an High-tech Zone and Garage Coffee sign Cooperation intention

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, On April 11, Xi'an High-tech Zone signed a cooperation intention with Garage Coffee, which will be stationed in the coffee characteristic neighborhoods of Xi'an High-tech Zone to provide more perfect services for entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs. Yang Renhua, Deputy Secretary of the Party working Committee and Director of the Administrative Committee of Xi'an High-tech Zone, Han Hongli, Deputy Director of the Administrative Committee, Wu Jianbo, partner of Beijing Garage Coffee Incubator Operation and Management Co., Ltd., and responsible person of Garage Coffee.

On April 11, Xi'an High-tech Zone signed a cooperation intention with Garage Coffee, which will be stationed in the coffee characteristic neighborhoods of Xi'an High-tech Zone to provide more perfect services for entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs. Yang Renhua, Deputy Secretary of the Party working Committee and Director of the Administrative Committee of Xi'an High-tech Zone, Han Hongli, Deputy Director of the Administrative Committee, Wu Jianbo, partner of Beijing Garage Coffee Incubator Operation and Management Co., Ltd., and the person in charge of Garage Coffee witnessed the signing.

Yang Renhua said that the current coffee culture is not only a way of life, a cultural atmosphere, the resulting entrepreneurial coffee has become a model for docking resources and needs, seeking cooperation and business opportunities. Wang Yongkang, member of the standing Committee of the Provincial CPC Committee and secretary of the Municipal CPC Committee, hopes that the high-tech zone will have entrepreneurial coffee neighborhoods that belong to Xi'an founders, and the high-tech zones will respond positively and choose to build entrepreneurial characteristic neighborhoods with coffee entrepreneurship as the theme in the core area of Xi'an Zhongchuang demonstration block. to provide entrepreneurs with a freer environment, smoother communication, and more information-rich space for entrepreneurs. Garage coffee, as a well-known brand of entrepreneurial coffee, hopes to be based on the high-tech zone, build a better platform for entrepreneurs, provide more services, and jointly promote the development of the mass entrepreneurship and innovation Initiative with the high-tech zone.

Wu Jianbo said that when choosing partners, Garage Coffee attaches great importance to the future development of both sides. In the process of communicating and negotiating with Garage Coffee, the high-tech zone team deeply felt the focus and dedication of this team. as hard as an entrepreneurial team. They hope that in the high-tech zones, together with the high-tech zones, by integrating the elements of local entrepreneurial resources, we will build an innovative entrepreneurial incubation platform for entrepreneurs with one-stop services such as office sharing, talent exchange, technology sharing, market development, project docking and so on.