Coffee review

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  • Methods and steps of brewing coffee filter dripping method

    Methods and steps of brewing coffee filter dripping method

    < 1 > filter drop method (Paper Drip) 1. First put the prepared filter into the drip, then put the ground coffee powder into (about 2 tablespoons per person, about 12 grams) 2. Pour 95 ℃ of boiled water gently from the center and let the coffee powder and boiling water permeate and spread in a whirling way. at this time, the coffee powder begins to expand and slowly sink, waiting for 25 seconds before preparation.

    2015-05-25 Coffee method step filter drip Paper Dri
  • Starbucks' new function along the street has been complained of being pulled down!

    Starbucks' new function along the street has been complained of being pulled down!

    ▲ click to follow | Daily boutique coffee culture magazine coffee workshop a few days before the National Day holiday, many friends will choose to drive to play it, how to do if you want to drink coffee while driving? Starbucks, as an internationally renowned coffee brand, has expanded new functions for this purpose, and jointly launched "Dri along the street" with Amap.
