Coffee review

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  • The Chinese champion in the WBC barista contest

    The Chinese champion in the WBC barista contest

    Do you know that Hong Jie (that is, Popo), the champion of the 2012 China Barista Competition? Is one of our heroes. When he participated in the Vienna World Barista Competition in 2012, the beans he decided to use were not rare beans with a lot of silver from the world-famous 1KG, nor wild bourbon found when traveling around the world, but Manlaojiang Chinese beans, which were not well-known at that time.

    2015-09-02 WBC Coffee Competition China Champion 2012
  • Description of flavor and aroma of Ethiopian Yega Coco Na Jettip washed G1 coffee

    Description of flavor and aroma of Ethiopian Yega Coco Na Jettip washed G1 coffee

    Professional barista communication please pay attention to coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) more than half of Ethiopian coffee cultivation belongs to the Garden Coffee type, courtyard coffee as its meaning, small coffee farmers in their own backyard small area of coffee, the average planting area of 0.51.5 hectares per household, with coffee as the main cash crop, in addition to growing miscellaneous such as plantains

    2017-09-12 Ethiopia Yega Chevy Coco Najie Tip Water washing Coffee Flavor