Coffee review

Coffee shop order guide, share the rising posture together, no longer annoy the barista

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, In many cases, when we go to a coffee shop, we don't know the composition of each drink, especially when many friends have been nurtured by instant coffee for many years. Under this premise, we don't know how to order a cup of coffee that suits us. It is easy to have the following situations. For example, if a barista sees such guests, he will have thousands of them in his heart.

In many cases, when we go to a coffee shop, we don't know the composition of each drink, especially when many friends have been nurtured by instant coffee for many years. Under this premise, we don't know how to order a cup of coffee that suits us.

It is easy to have the following situations, such as ↓

If the barista sees such guests, thousands of grass-mud horses will gallop past in his heart. I wish I could close the door and die with this man.

Some readers may not understand what's wrong with all this coffee. The problem is that you go to a restaurant and say to the waiter--

Hello, I'd like a hand-torn chicken instead of chicken.

Yes, that's right. Do you really want to make such a stupid order?

A little popular science of coffee

At this time, many readers must be meditating, how to do, the teacher (machine) to take me, I want to take your car, Ali Ali …... Wait a minute, why are you singing Yunnan folk songs? )

When we come back, we will first talk about coffee. Let's start with the milk coffee that accounts for the most and drinks the most.

What is a milk coffee? As the name implies, coffee with milk actually has a higher-end faction name, called


And orthodox espresso doesn't have any syrup or cream added to it.

When it comes to espresso, we inevitably mention the basis of all espresso-espresso.

So what the heck is Italian condensation? Yes, some friends are already playing English, and there is a name called Espresso, which in Italian means fast, meaning to quickly provide consumers with a cup of coffee.

In the process of making espresso, you can ask the nearest barista around you, and maybe you can take this opportunity to flirt with the barista.

Do not dare to poke here → espresso production treasure book, you deserve to have!

As the base of all espresso, Espresso plays the most important role, whether it tastes good or not depends on it! The components can be clicked on our small motion picture ~ which is grease and espresso respectively.

So what the hell is a latte without milk? first of all, we go back to the origin of the name latte.

In fact, in Italian, latte-Latte means milk, yes, latte = milk.

In Italy, if you order a latte, people will really give you a glass of milk instead of a laced milk coffee, so if you want to order correctly in Italy, you need to say so.

"Hello, Would you please give me a cup of coffee latte?"

"Hello, may I have a latte, please?"

So those who say lattes don't want milk, strictly speaking, do you want a glass of air?

As for the composition of latte, let's take a look at the picture above. Well, yes, latte without milk, it is more practical for you to buy a cup of Espresso, and the price is very cheap.

Then let's take a look at a drink called cappuccino, the name Cappucainno, which comes from religion.

At that time, the monks of the St. Franciscan Church (Capuchin) wore brown robes and pointed hats. When the St. Franciscan Church spread to Italy, the locals thought that the monks' clothes were very special, so they gave them the name Cappuccino. The Italian word refers to the loose robes and small pointed hats worn by monks, derived from the Italian word "headscarf" or Cappuccino.

The color of the coffee at that time, like a church monk covering a dark brown coat with a headscarf, was given the name Cappucinno.

Speaking of Cabo, this coffee is a golden proportion. ⅓ 's coffee, ⅓ 's milk, ⅓ 's milk foam. The reason for its durability is because of its thick and dense milk foam, cappuccino is not cappuccino!

There are also some consumers, if you don't like Cappuccino advice or drink lattes, some friends order cappuccinos and drink them with straws. Yes, with a straw, milk foam means very distressed, why don't you drink me, I am the essence of this cup of coffee.

After talking about Cappuccino, let's talk about American coffee. The student over there who ordered American coffee without water, please come out and look at the picture below. Tell me, what is American coffee without water?

Yes, that's right. American coffee without water is espresso. So especially stingy students, you can order a cup of Italian concentrate, and then ask for a cup of hot water. Then, pour it in. Go in. Go to...

Ahem, what did I just say? I don't seem to have said anything.

As for the students who say why there is no milk in American style, go back to tutoring, or you will be beaten by the barista.

But Mr. Hack still thinks that most baristas are friendly.

All right, this issue of popular science is here again to share it out and tell your friends and guests that the correct order starts with me.

Let's build an intelligent environment together. Otherwise, the barista will be pissed to death.