Coffee review

The skill of coffee flower drawing: the fluidity of liquid surface during flower drawing.

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Follow the comments (Wechat official account vdailycom) found that the beautiful cafe opened a small shop of its own, integration is a crucial link in the coffee flower, like building and laying the foundation, there are two points to think about the state of integration: one. The second method of integration. There are thousands of ways to fuse liquids, including spinning in circles, sloshing around, and fixed-point injection.

Follow the caf é (Wechat official account vdailycom) and found that Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of its own.

In the coffee flower, fusion is a crucial link, just like building a building and laying a foundation.

There are two points to think about about the state of convergence:

one。 The method of integration

two。 How much of the fusion liquid

There are thousands of methods of fusion, including circle rotation, left and right sloshing, fixed point injection and so on. These techniques do not have a great impact on the fluidity of the flower, so the main consideration is how much liquid is fused.

The amount of fused liquid mainly affects the fluidity of the liquid surface during flower drawing.

(the following example assumes that grease, foam and fusion techniques are consistent.)

The process of fusion is actually the process of pouring milk into Espresso:

The amount of fusion liquid = the number of milk bubbles poured in = the fluidity strength of the liquid surface.

Less fusion liquid (that is, less milk bubbles poured in), less bubbles on the liquid surface and less resistance, so the fluidity is high.

If there is more fusion liquid (that is, more milk bubbles are poured into it), the more bubbles on the liquid surface, the greater the resistance, so the fluidity is low.

Therefore, the amount of the fusion liquid is different, and the fluidity of the liquid surface is also different.

In the style of flower drawing, there are several schools. Let's compare the fusion weight of Japanese and Korean patterns.


Figure 1 shows the Japanese pattern. The main feature of the Japanese style pattern is that it covers a large area, and it is conceivable that a liquid surface with high mobility is needed for a large range of patterns. Therefore, there is usually less fusion of Japanese patterns.


Figure 2 shows the Korean pattern. The main feature of the Korean style is that the pattern is neat and symmetrical, and the pattern with high symmetry needs a liquid surface with low mobility. Therefore, there are usually more fusion parts of Korean patterns.

So when drawing flowers, we choose the appropriate amount of fusion (mobility) according to the effect we want.