Coffee review

The characteristics and utility of coffee

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Four flavors and one fragrance: all the colors, aromas and tastes of coffee are the characteristics of chemical changes in raw coffee beans after roasting.

1. Bitterness: Caffeine, one of the basic taste elements of coffee.

2. Acidity: Tannin, the second essential taste element of coffee.

3. Espresso: Strong coffee. A mellow smell.

4. Sweet: Sugar in coffee beans, roasted, partly charred, partly sweet.

5. Aroma (coffee aroma): The fat in green coffee beans. protein. Sugar is an important source of coffee aroma.

Some people ask, what is the charm of coffee?

Personally feel: it is the appropriate acid bitter, fragrant alcohol, coffee and thus the formation of a unique charm. Alcohol or tobacco can be intoxicating and stimulating, and caffeine can also be exciting. And caffeine has the effect of stimulating the central nervous system or muscles, can make muscles recover fatigue, has a sober effect, can make the mind responsive, improve work efficiency. Also can stimulate sympathetic nerve, suppress the excitement of parasympathetic nerve and cause asthma. And coffee also has the effect of helping digestion, especially when eating meat, gastric juice secretion, promote digestion, prevent gastroptosis. Because caffeine breaks down fat, Westerners must want a cup of coffee after eating high-calorie foods.

Coffee's Benefits:

Coffee contains a lot of caffeine can you affect health? Perhaps some people would worry so much. However, two to three cups of coffee is no problem, but moderate drinking coffee has a therapeutic effect on the body. Caffeine intake and osteoporosis: Osteoporosis is not a women-specific disease, but occurs mostly in women. Factors contributing to osteoporosis include calcium and protein intake, smoking, exercise habits, age and weight. To shed more light on the relationship between caffeine intake and osteoporosis, a 1994 Barrett Connor study found that caffeine intake affected bone density-but only in women who drank very little milk daily. According to the study, and as a rule of thumb, coffee only indirectly causes calcium imbalance-for example, some women substitute it for calcium-rich beverages. In 1995 Barger-Lux and Heaney analyzed data from 190 women and concluded that "one cup of milk provides enough calcium to offset the negative effects of eight cups of caffeine." "This highlights the fact that caffeine is not a high risk factor for osteoporosis, and that insufficient calcium intake is the primary cause, allowing secondary factors such as caffeine's effects on bone to take effect.

A 1981 Harvard University report suggested that drinking too much coffee could lead to pancreatic cancer. However, at least seven major studies have since failed to confirm this, so the researchers retracted this conclusion. Several other studies have failed to link coffee drinking to pancreatic cancer. Heavy coffee drinking appears to reduce the risk of colon cancer, with people who drink at least five cups of coffee a day 40 percent less likely to develop colon cancer than non-coffee drinkers, according to a Boston University study.

Coffee has the effect of eliminating garlic flavor, but also contains enamel, so after tasting garlic dishes, coffee is an indispensable drink. A 1980s study found that men who drank five or more cups of coffee a day for long periods of time were more likely to suffer from heart disease. But recent studies have found that women who drink less than five cups of coffee a day do not have an increased risk of heart attack, and women who drink more than six cups a day do not appear to have an increased risk of heart attack. Coffee also has a deodorizing effect. The residue of ground coffee brewing is dried in a container, placed in the refrigerator, or in a shoe box as a deodorizing agent. Sprinkle it in an ashtray to eliminate tobacco smell. Coffee can also be used to hide flavor. For example, instant coffee is dissolved in boiling water, so that its taste can be more sweet and delicious meat dishes.

Fragrant coffee is a refreshing drink, and the latest research also found that drinking a few cups of coffee a day can also prevent gallstones. Harvard University researchers found that men who drank two to three cups of coffee a day had a 40 percent lower risk of developing gallstones than non-coffee drinkers, while men who drank four or more cups of coffee a day had a 45 percent lower risk of developing gallstones, the Journal of the American Medical Association reported. However, caffeine-free coffee can not have this effect, only caffeinated coffee, in order to stimulate gallbladder contraction, and reduce cholesterol in bile easy to form gallstones. As for the reason for the effect of coffee, it is still unclear, and other beverages such as tea and cola, which also contain caffeine, cannot achieve the same effect because the caffeine content is lower than coffee. Dr. Leitzman, who led the study, said: "I wouldn't really recommend drinking coffee to prevent gallstones, but it's okay to keep drinking coffee because coffee doesn't cause any major diseases." He said the findings should also apply to women. Cholelithiasis is mainly formed by cholesterol, lack of exercise, greasy diet or excessive weight are the main causes. Knowing coffee correctly will make everyone happy and enjoy coffee time!