Coffee review

It's risky for a coffee shop to join! What skills need to be mastered when coffee joins the store?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional barista communication Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Coffee, as a fashionable drink, is now very popular in life, at the same time, some coffee shops in the market, business is also very hot, in the coffee shop operation, what aspects should be paid attention to, in order to better manage their own coffee shop? In recent years, with the coffee industry

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Coffee, as a fashionable drink, is now very popular in life. at the same time, some coffee shops are very popular in the market. what aspects should we pay attention to in the operation of coffee shops? in order to better manage their own coffee shop?

In recent years, with the growing popularity of the coffee industry in major cities in China, many entrepreneurs who like coffee want to open leisure coffee franchises to make money. However, if you want to open a leisure coffee franchise, entrepreneurs must have a full understanding of their future functions in the coffee franchise, otherwise they will only be in a hurry and affect the normal operation of the coffee franchise.

Take the Pacific franchise project as an example, franchise cooperation conditions:

1. City agent to join

Scope of joining: national urban business area (except Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Xi'an)

Franchise fee: 1 million from

Number of stores opened: from 5 stores (the number of stores signed up is subject to the comprehensive evaluation of urban GDP, population and other factors)

Service charge for opening shop: 80,000 yuan per store

Royalty: 5% of monthly turnover

Term of contract: 10 years

two。 Special channel (single store) to join

Scope of joining: special channels have been stationed in the city (airport terminals, high-speed rail stations, hospitals, high efficiency and other special commercial projects)

Franchise fee: from 300000 yuan

Number of stores opened: from 1 store

Service charge for opening shop: 80,000 yuan per store

Royalty: 5% of monthly turnover

Contract period: the longest lease term signed by the store, the above cooperation conditions involve specific fees and amounts, subject to the final franchise agreement signed.

The cooperation form of Pacific Coffee is the exclusive agent in a single city, the franchise fee is 1 million, the number of basic stores in each city is 10-15, and the franchise fee for each store is 300000 yuan. The cost of joining is high, which may be enough to open a small shop at a small cost.


Compared with self-support and painstaking effort, some small partners with sufficient funds will also choose to join. Coffee joining model will have general store managers or professionals in place to do some related assistance, it will be relatively better. Now many franchisees are actually the head office with capital management, will do a little better standardized management, franchisees can not do according to their own ideas. In terms of input cost, franchisees must look at what they have joined the brand positioning for you, and do not have too much autonomy to choose. Join to give join management fees, the advantage is that the headquarters already has a relevant business model to give you, do not take too much risk.


1. Get brand support. Unified brand VI system, unified decoration style, so that franchise stores rapid growth, rapid profitability.

two。 Get training, business guidance, management and publicity support.

3. It is easy to mobilize enthusiasm. As the franchisee is responsible for its own profits and losses, the franchisee naturally pays special attention to the performance of its own company and the performance of its employees, and can obtain higher benefits.


1. The amount of investment is higher.

two。 Bind your hands and feet. Franchisees have unified requirements for raw material supply, decoration style and menu, so investors also need to consider the supply of raw materials in the follow-up development.

3. The coordination and communication between the franchisee and the headquarters is poor, so that the franchisee can not get the guidance of the headquarters in time.

Self-supporting mode

My friends are like-minded and set up a coffee maker workshop together.

Example: Xiao A has always wanted to invest in a sideline, because he likes coffee and shares the same interests with his friends, so he chooses to open a coffee shop. As the investment in opening a store is only about 150000 yuan, there is no way to join in this kind of cost. So they began to study it themselves. In fact, low cost is also an important reason why entrepreneurs choose to create their own brands.

Reading books and consulting friends in the industry is a way for Xiao A with zero entrepreneurial experience to learn the operation of coffee shops. "although not everyone is a coffee master, many people have coffee consumption habits and experience, and their experience is of great help to me." Xiao A talked about his feelings.

Unlike ordinary coffee shops, the coffee shop opened by Xiao An and his friends is named "BOX Space". It is not a coffee shop only by its name. "We found it very difficult to open a separate coffee shop, and we wanted the store to become more possible and make the space more interesting, so we wanted to present it in the form of a synthetic store." In the end, Xiao A said, they found that the handmade work went well with the coffee, including the way they expected the store to operate-more hoping to create a better cup of coffee with their hands and make the coffee more interesting with their hands. so finally let the coffee and leather hit it off.

In addition, there are original clothing and so on. "A box is a container that can hold a lot of things, and we want to bring more different experiences to our customers outside of coffee." Xiao A said.

For those who also want to open a coffee shop, Xiao A suggests that according to different business models of coffee shops to find different characteristics, to choose their own suitable model. You have to have the courage to do what you want to do before you can bravely take the first step of panning for gold.

The following is Xiao A's investment list, here to share with you, for the reference of friends in need!

1. With an area of about 80 square meters, the decoration investment includes decoration design, kitchen engineering, sanitation, bar, tables and chairs, etc., spending about 100000 yuan

two。 Equipment investment: including Italian coffee machine, coffee bean grinder, cup set, wine set, tableware, refrigerator, etc., totaling about 40,000 yuan

3. Daily fixed expenses: monthly rent of 4000 yuan; employee salary of 6000 yuan, two employees; plus utilities, a total of more than 10, 000 yuan.

Total upfront investment: more than 150000 yuan


1. The cost of investment can be controlled by itself.

two。 Entrepreneurs are flexible in management, for example, they can customize menus according to their needs, and the decoration style in the store can show more personality or local characteristics.

3. In the early stage, the bedding work such as material procurement, shop location and location is more complicated.


1. There is a high demand for the professional and management ability of entrepreneurs.

two。 Single purchase, the cost is high.

3. Awareness is not high, but also need to strengthen brand marketing, etc., need to go through a long period of business.

[join in operation]

Choose potential brands to join

In fact, for investors, the easiest way to open a cafe is to join, because there are certain norms for brand design, decoration, material supply, and so on, and there is no need to consider and choose any more. To a certain extent, many preliminary steps are reduced. Investors generally only need to complete the two steps of choosing the location of the store and hiring staff to open the shop.

In terms of joining fees, it will generally include several items, namely, brand usage fees, deposit, annual operating expenses and so on. Among them, the brand royalty is linked to the brand awareness, which is directly proportional to the brand awareness. At the same time, this fee is also related to the operating area, generally divided into 5-6 grades, the price increases step by step. Through inquiries and interviews, the reporter found that generally, the franchise fee for cafes of 50-100sq m is about 100000 yuan. Some cafe brands will be exempted from the brand use fee of the first store in the region, and some new brands will be open to join for free. Therefore, investors can tap potential brands before opening stores.

Although the upfront investment costs a lot, the gross profit margin of opening a coffee shop seems to be not low. Mr. Zhang of the old station coffee chain told reporters that in addition to rent, the gross profit margin in the store can be as high as 60%. "if rent is included, it is generally about 40%." At present, the main business of the old station is in Foshan, and the price is locked at 10-15 yuan per cup, slightly lower than Starbucks. Mr Zhang said, for example, that the cost of a cup of coffee is about 4.5 yuan, while the cost of the cake is 4 yuan, and the prices of both are about 15 yuan, so the gross profit margin is considerable.

● risk Alert

The income of the mode of "binding hands and feet" is difficult to rise.

Although joining investment can generally guarantee gross profit margin, in the initial investment, investors should pay special attention to the items included in the joining fee. Generally speaking, the franchise fee of about 100000 yuan includes items in addition to the use of the brand. There are also store design, personnel training, coffee equipment, etc., but it will not include decoration fees, and this is the biggest cost of opening a coffee shop, some industry insiders told reporters. In general, the total initial investment cost of franchise stores is about 280000 yuan.

In addition to the high amount of investment, the franchise also has the defect of "binding hands and feet". As the franchisee has unified requirements for raw material supply, decoration style and menu, investors also need to consider the supply of raw materials in the follow-up development. pay attention to the supply price in case it is difficult to reduce costs and improve returns during the development period. In addition, many stores have some requirements on the mode of operation after joining, such as whether they can only contribute, hire people to manage, or only contribute, managed by the brand, or need to be managed in person, and so on.

[self-created brand]

The initial investment is 40% less than that of the franchise store.

Although it is relatively easy to join the chain store to start a business, and the requirement for the franchisee is not high, the amount of investment will be relatively high, and its selling point is that the strong brand background and advertising effect can bring a certain amount of customers to the store. and there are model decoration, products, management, service personnel to support business, new entrants do not need to worry about unfamiliar matters.

However, investors should pay attention to the idea of "joining in order to join", because if the selected brand is not well-known in the region, and there is no relevant advertising support, then the new store opened after joining is not much different from the self-created brand. The reporter visited and found that at present, many suppliers of coffee machines and raw materials provide free shop opening tutoring, and even provide decoration, menu design, and cake desserts, making it much easier for investors to create their own brands.

Take opening a coffee shop with an area of 50-100 square meters as an example, the cost of machines and raw materials is about 50, 000 yuan. If the store is opened in Tianhe District of Guangzhou, plus the rent and decoration cost of two-to-one rent or three-to-one rent is about 100000 yuan, "generally speaking, to open a store requires an investment of about 180000 yuan, which is 40% less than the investment of nearly 300000 yuan." Moreover, the self-created brand also saves the annual cost of using the brand.

On the other hand, the self-created brand also provides a lot of convenience for investors, such as being able to customize the menu according to the needs, and the decoration style of the store can show more personality or local characteristics. The AURORA Cafe, which focuses on "Pure Italian Coffee" on the construction of sixth Road, is one of the representatives. Barista Romeo told New KuaiBao that Aurora has been open for three years, and its price is comparable to that of Starbucks, mainly targeting regular customers and surrounding customers.

But in the face of competition from numerous coffee chains, Romeo told reporters that they never regard coffee chains as competitors. "Italians regard coffee as an art, and Aurora uses a manual coffee machine to mix coffee." what it gives customers is the experience of tasting Italian coffee. "Romeo believes that, in contrast, Starbucks brings customers more environmental experience. "for example, it can give customers an environment for surfing the Internet, reading and chatting, but the coffee is not pure, but we pay more attention to the coffee itself, so we do not regard Starbucks as a competitor in terms of quality." And this idea is also the way for many "Aurora" to break through.

● risk Alert

You need to go through a painful period of brand building.

For coffee shops that do not join the chain, although the initial investment is relatively small, there is no doubt that the self-created brand will have to go through a painful period of establishing a brand and attracting customers, and this period of "keeping business" is generally more than joining the store manager, which is one of the risks.

The second risk comes from the grasp of store menus and audience preferences, because the self-created brand belongs to the "singles", it will be slightly inferior in market research, and the grasp of the market mainly depends on the familiarity and feeling of the market, and there is no specific standard research report. If the store positioning is wrong, the period of "keeping the business" will be lengthened and increase the cost risk.

Loose cooperative relationship has been criticized

Customers who often patronize coffee on Shangdao may know that although more than 3000 stores across the country hang the same signs, the services they enjoy in each store are different, and it all depends on the franchisee's own martial arts. Even the purchase channels of coffee beans can make their own decisions. It is this loose joining mode of heavy charging and light management that leads to the withdrawal of franchisees one after another.

In the past, the franchise relationship with Shangdao Coffee was as long as it was paid, which cost 50,000-60,000 yuan a year, regardless of staff training and technical support. The boss felt that the money was being spent unjustly, so he quit and joined. "the initial joining fee is 200000-300000 yuan. In addition, 50, 000-60, 000 yuan of management fees are also paid every year. At the time of the initial preparation, all the goods purchased had to use island coffee, and the goods he gave were all very expensive, at least 50% more expensive than outside. "

There is no training for franchisees, and Shangdao Coffee admits: "staff training has not been done for a long time." However, Mr. Gan explained that after officially joining, the company will send managers and cooks to the franchisee, and the manager will recruit service staff. Of course, the wages of these personnel should be paid by the franchisee. If you encounter business problems in the later stage, the company can assist you and replace the relevant technical personnel.

For the franchisee accused of the purchase price from the company is higher than the market price, Mr. Gan admitted that the price of coffee beans provided by Shangdao Coffee is indeed slightly higher than the market. However, he said that Shangdao coffee beans are purchased centrally abroad and then baked in the food factory of the Shanghai head office, so the quality is more guaranteed. Mr. Gan also said that as the agreement stipulates that the franchisee is independent, the company will not interfere. Some franchisees will buy from companies, but some franchisees will also buy coffee beans from other sources in order to reduce costs. As for the food procurement of franchisees, the company is not too strict. "it was in this way that I joined in Beijing from the beginning. There is a general unity in the overall style, and each region has different needs in operation. "

Tips for the operation of coffee shops

● TIPS 1: the brand that chooses coffee beans

As coffee beans are different in sour taste, bitterness and flavor, coffee beans are mostly sold in the market in a mixed way at present. In other words, when you buy coffee beans, you are choosing a brand to a certain extent. Therefore, in the selection of coffee beans, we should first consider the tastes and habits of consumers in the region, and according to the size of the store, reasonable purchase, to avoid product backlog.

● TIPS 2: the coffee machine must match the location of the store

Of course, you can't open a coffee shop without a coffee machine, but you should pay attention to the location of the coffee shop when choosing. If you only regard coffee as a sideline or the price of the product is about 10 yuan, you can choose to buy a fully automatic coffee machine. The advantage of buying this kind of machine is that it is easy to operate and saves time in training staff.

However, as far as opening professional coffee shops is concerned, most shops will choose semi-automatic coffee machines, even manual coffee machines, which need to be manually ground, pressed powder, brewed, more manual parts, therefore, the characteristics of coffee in the shop are more obvious, but at the same time, the quality control of products will be more difficult, AURORA(Aurora) barista Romeo told reporters, training a can make a cup of standard espresso coffee It takes about three weeks for a barista.

At present, domestic coffee machines are mainly imported, taking opening a coffee shop of 50-100 square meters as an example, the price range is between 20,000 - 40,000 yuan, while domestic coffee machines are about 6,000 - 10,000 yuan. In addition to coffee makers, ice and smoothie makers are also essential.

TIPS 3: Choice of water and coffee cups

In fact, coffee brewing water can not be casual, such as mineral water belongs to hard water, which contains the ingredients will make caffeine and tannic acid released, so that the taste is greatly reduced, so brewing coffee should choose soft water, coffee shops can use water purifiers and activated carbon filters to avoid impurities and odors in the water, can also be installed hard and soft water separator.

And the coffee cup used is also studied, Romeo told reporters, The former coffee cup is rectangular, Later after Italian coffee students research, Found half egg shape coffee cup is most suitable for holding coffee,"This is because the semi-elliptical bottom helps coffee in pour when rotating movement, Make grease float to the surface, On the other hand, This shape is also conducive to coffee fragrance up to a point, And this point according to calculation is also exactly the place of the human nose."

TIPS 4: Focus on products other than coffee

At present, there are very few shops selling coffee alone. Most shops will provide cakes, desserts, or even smoothies, tea drinks, ice cream, salad, sandwiches and other products in the store. Investors, especially those who create their own brands, need to draw up the menu in the store. Since cakes and desserts are not drinks, investors need to consider whether to choose a supplier or own the product.