Coffee review

Complete works of Coffee Prose

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Bing Xin said: prose can be written happily or lingering. When you think of the pen, you can do it at once. Ke Ling said: the essence of prose is to take the heart as the heart, the true self as the blood, and art as the life. Prose Coffee Tagore said: the mission of prose is to combine the ordinary world with the passionate world. I like to breathe fresh and elegant ink. I like it.

Bing Xin said, "Prose can be written happily or lingering." When you think of the pen, you can do it at once. "

Ke Ling said: "the essence of prose is to know the heart, take the true self as the blood, and take art as the life."

-- inscription

I. Prose-Coffee

Tagore said: "the mission of prose is to combine the ordinary world with the passionate world."

I like to breathe fresh and elegant ink, like to touch smooth and pure scrolls, like to feel the sincere soul.

I once said that the word I believe most in the world is "Wen is like a man", and the most emotional word is "I live for words".

I believe in the former because I believe that people who really like words treat it with their souls. Words are the whispers of the soul and the songs of the soul. The reason for the latter is that I clearly understand that this is a promise that is too ethereal, but I can't help but be deeply moved by it.

Among the many literary forms, prose is undoubtedly the one that can best show the author's temperament. Prose is like coffee, which needs to be tasted carefully and tasted patiently.

The sentences of prose are carefully pecked, word by word, stroke by stroke, all embody the feelings of the author.

I think prose is a style that can easily make the author pour into his true feelings. As Bing Xin said, "Prose can express the author's thoughts and feelings on a whim most quickly and smoothly."

Every time I drink coffee, I quietly look at the dark brown coffee liquid. After looking at the coffee liquid for too long, I am often surprised to find that dark brown is a deeper color than black. Therefore, when I stare at the deep liquid surface of the coffee, I feel like I am immersed in its dark brown. For prose, I have the same trance feeling.

Prose has exquisite words and delicate feelings, just like elegant and smooth coffee.

Prose is like coffee, which requires careful taste and patient aftertaste.

Yu Qiuyu-cappuccino coffee

Xu Chi said in "Shuo Prose": "Prose is not only good at expressing feelings, not only good at describing landscapes, not only good at chattering, eloquent and tireless." Essayists must be thinkers. "

Yu Qiuyu's prose, like cappuccino coffee, has a strong aroma and a strong bitter taste.

Many people commented that Yu Qiuyu's article contains too many commercial factors and grandstanding. But I don't think so.

I have not seen the artistry in Yu Qiuyu's prose, I only see a writer who interprets literature with history. If I were to judge Yu Qiuyu in one sentence, I would say that he is interpreting literature with history. Perhaps you will wonder, only those who interpret history with literature, where can they interpret literature with history? However, Mr. Yu Qiuyu, he did do it.

Critics often use the word vicissitudes to comment on Yu Qiuyu's prose style. For this evaluation, Yu Qiuyu smiled and was noncommittal; for this evaluation, I smiled softly.

Yu Qiuyu has walked all the way from "Cultural Journey" to "Qiuyu Prose", from "fragments of Civilization" to "Mountain Notes", and from "Frost Cold River" to "A Millennium sigh".

Remember, Yu Qiuyu once wrote that some readers are required to read every book that meets him. I smiled warmly as I watched, because I was one of these readers.

Indeed, Yu Qiuyu's prose will give readers a sense of the vicissitudes of life. However, I think Yu Qiuyu's vicissitudes do not come from his writing style, but from his heart. "Culture if Travel" and "Millennium sigh", these two topics themselves have loaded too many vicissitudes of life. Not because of the vicissitudes of Yu Qiuyu's prose style, but because of the vicissitudes of the civilization and history of the Chinese nation; not because of the vicissitudes of broken wells and ruins, but because of the vicissitudes of culture.

What Yu Qiuyu brings to the prose world and even the whole literary world is not only the essence of prose, but also a kind of prose form full of personality. In Yu Qiuyu's scholar prose, there is not only the chant of brilliant civilization, but also the feeling of the vicissitudes of history. This is like the unique taste of cappuccino coffee, both strong aroma and strong bitter taste.

I often look around for a well-made mocha pot because it is the only one that can brew the flavor of cappuccino coffee. I would willingly spend a lot of time waiting for the cappuccino coffee powder to be cooked slowly in the mocha pot. I put my hand close to the mocha pot so that I could feel the temperature of the steam passing through the cappuccino coffee powder. The temperature is accompanied by a strong and strong bitter fragrance. When I breathe the bitter fragrance in the air, I can't help thinking of Yu Qiuyu's prose. Vicissitudes of life and bitter.

I believe that Yu Qiuyu's prose is by no means grandstanding. Because I can't imagine that a writer who uses literature as a tool as a means can write words that shock readers.

While reading Yu Qiuyu's prose, I imagined him gently brushing away the heavy dust from the collapsed ancient city and slowly touching the vague carvings on the mottled broken walls. Yu Qiuyu sighs for those declining ancient civilizations because he is concerned about the fate and future of Chinese culture. Yu Qiuyu wants to tell readers that Chinese civilization will not be buried in the dust of the years.

Yu Qiuyu's prose, like my favorite cappuccino coffee, has a strong aroma and a strong bitter taste. The vicissitudes of culture described in it, like cappuccino coffee, require us to taste carefully and aftertaste patiently.

Three and four dimensions-Irish coffee

Alan said in the Art Quotations: "in all kinds of art, poetry and eloquence can be said to be similar to music, while prose is similar to architecture, sculpture and painting."

Four-dimensional prose is like Irish coffee, bitter with sweetness and mellow with melancholy.

Although, the appearance of "I don't know how many wind and rain flowers have blown down in my dream" makes me somewhat disappointed, because I always believe that four-dimensional is unconventional. However, I think I still like four-dimensional words. The children of "after the 1980s" may have read four-dimensional works, whether they like it or not.

Siwei once said that he likes prose so much.

Although I understand that most readers prefer "City of Fantasy" and "I don't know how many wind and rain flowers fall in my dreams", I still appreciate "the Edge of Love and pain" and "the reflection of the left hand on the right hand".

I like Siwei not because he describes the life we are familiar with, but because I appreciate his ability to master words. For this, even Cao Wenxuan, a professor in the Chinese Department of Peking University, exclaimed, "Why does Siwei have such an excellent understanding of language and such an easy ability to master it?" In Siwei's prose, I really realized the sentence in the Quotations of Art: prose is similar to architecture, sculpture and painting.

I think Siwei likes nostalgia. Siwei is often afraid of the passage of time. He hopes that he can always be a child, live freely and write freely.

Siwei likes to use the word "rupture". In his articles, the voice is broken, the expression is broken, and time is broken. What does it mean to break? It means the moment whisky and coffee powder dissolve and synthesize Irish coffee. In "the Edge of Love and pain" and "the reflection of the left hand and the years of the right hand", I saw Siwei carefully recall the past, and then sadly write them into words.

In the four-dimensional text, there is neither the arrogance of avant-garde writers nor the world-weariness of cutting-edge writers. I understand that Siwei loves the world deeply. Therefore, there is neither Yu Jie's sharpness nor Anne's coldness in Guo Jingming's words. The four-dimensional text is full of human warmth, just like sweet Irish coffee in bitterness.

Friends who are familiar with Siwei all say that he is a child who likes to laugh.

However, readers will always feel his melancholy clearly when they read Siwei's prose. I think Siwei is kind, and he is willing to smile pure to everyone. In the four-dimensional text, it always exudes the soft side of human nature. Siwei cherishes friendship and family affection, and his works are full of treasure and gratitude.

In "I don't know how many wind and rain flowers have blown down in the dream", the whole article is full of mocking sentences. However, the change of writing style has not changed the four dimensions. I think he must still be used to smiling brightly in the crowd and sighing sadly in the corner.

The Irish regard whisky as their life, and they mix coffee with whiskey. However, whisky, which has a strong irritation, still can not hide the sour nature of coffee powder. Siwei always tries to say that he is happy because he wants his cherished friends to be happy. However, the four-dimensional prose is still like Irish coffee, mellow with melancholy.

Siwei said, "take my hand and walk with your eyes closed. You won't get lost." When I read this sentence, I am always moved. It makes me feel warm.

Four-dimensional prose, like my favorite Irish coffee, is bitter with sweetness and mellow with melancholy. The beauty of human nature described in it, like Irish coffee, requires us to taste it carefully and aftertaste patiently.

Fourth, I-Java coffee

Qin Mu said: "those are the best prose, some like a curling Xiao, some like clear crystal, some like agate with bright colors."

My prose is like Java coffee, full-bodied and light-scented.

Lookers-on see more than players. It is unfair to comment on yourself. However, he who knows others is wise, and he who knows himself is wise. After learning to judge others, you should also learn to judge yourself.

In fact, there are many friends who like words around me. We write down our own words in thick essay books, and then exchange tastes with each other.

I was surprised to find that because of my different temperament in life, I was destined not to be a best friend. I could become a bosom friend because of my love for words. When I saw that my friends who did not like words were accustomed to writing essays every day because of my rendering, I really felt very gratified.

Lin said she couldn't believe that the delicate-looking me should be obsessed with the obscure works of the pre-Qin Dynasty. In fact, I am not as meek as I look. I think, emotional people are always more or less persistent, sometimes persistent to stubborn. Just like, I understand that it is childish to treat literature with an absolutely pure attitude, but still stubbornly adhere to it. My persistence often appears in my prose. Therefore, my prose will be like Java coffee, light aroma but rich flavor.

The strong taste stems from the fact that I am extremely emotional. Everything, every plant and every tree, I will have inexplicable feelings. I think I am deeply in love with the world and my friends. My temperament doomed me to like prose, doomed me to rely on prose.

Yao said that she can always feel my feelings in my words. I am used to recording traces of life, recording my opinions, and turning them all into words. When I found that this habit gradually evolved into dependence, I realized that I liked prose.

Meng said that her writing is compatible with various styles, but mine is always as delicate as ever. I don't know if that's a good thing. Even, sometimes I think this is the most fatal flaw in my article.

However, temperament can determine style in many cases. As you said, I should belong to Suzhou, because my prose is always meticulous and elegant. Therefore, my prose will be like Java coffee, with a rich flavor but a light aroma.

The light aroma is due to my nature. I look up at the vows of love and love, I look forward to earth-shaking, and I appreciate it. However, I still like a tranquil life.

I write down the dribs and drabs of time in prose because I am worried about the passage of time. I patiently write down the trivial memories because I like the tranquil days. Sometimes I think, when the time is gone, I sit in the rocking chair, re-read these old words, should also be able to smile faintly.

My prose, like my favorite Java coffee, has a rich flavor and a light aroma. The real feelings described in it, like Java coffee, need to be carefully tasted by bosom friends and remembered patiently.

5. Prose-Coffee

Wu Boxiao: "Prose is a description of gorgeous earth scenery, a vivid description of social life, a harmonious and dense voice of the times and rich and colorful emotional records of life."

Prose is like coffee, which needs to be tasted carefully and tasted patiently.

The prose contains exquisite words and delicate feelings, just like elegant and smooth coffee.

There are many styles of coffee, and even the same style of coffee varies due to roasting skills and the taste of sweet, sweet and bitter.

Yu Qiuyu's prose, like cappuccino coffee, has a strong aroma and a strong bitter taste. Four-dimensional prose is like Irish coffee, bitter with sweetness and mellow with melancholy. My prose is like Java coffee, full-bodied and light-scented.