Coffee review

The charming aroma of coffee

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Do you know what attitude most people have towards drinking coffee? Drink with one drink

Do you know what attitude most people have towards drinking coffee? What accessories are necessary for drinking, tasting, or chatting? Love to drink cappuccino, latte, mocha, and the bitter taste of Espresso, must also be a completely different type.

In my opinion, coffee is obviously not just a caffeinated, nerve-stimulating drink. He is a magical liquid that can show no doubt about nuances. Therefore, it seems a bit of a pity if you don't taste the coffee carefully.

Of course, the coffee mentioned here does not include instant dissolving.

The charming aroma of coffee:

The attraction of coffee lies in its wonderful aroma and strong acidity in the mouth, a kind of acid with sweet taste.

The charm of coffee also lies in the intense precision needed in the preparation of coffee, just like a warlock making an elixir of immortality, with no difference at all. The roasting of coffee beans, the grinding of beans, the compactness of packing, the temperature of water, a little carelessness may produce very bad coffee.

Moreover, perhaps the taste of coffee must also be based on a leisurely mood, when there is no time to think about it carefully, how can we really taste his delicacy?

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Espresso is the most special kind of coffee. It is full of contradictions. For most people, drinking Espresso is really a very painful thing, even worse than taking medicine. So for these enthusiasts, what is the attraction of something so bitter? Espresso is because it completely refines all the flavor of coffee, which takes a long time to get used to. However, once you can accept such a fragrant taste, it is really a pleasure to have the opportunity to drink good Espresso.

In fact, most people don't like it. I'm afraid it has something to do with the fact that most of the Espresso they can drink is not good enough. The Espresso made in many stores is really unflattering.