Coffee review

The harm of coffee companion what is the ingredient of coffee partner

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Following Cafe Review (Wechat official account vdailycom) found that coffee companion (commonly known as cream) opened a small shop in a beautiful cafe. The main ingredient is plant fat powder, which will produce unnatural trans fatty acids in the human body. Trans fatty acids may increase the incidence of breast cancer and diabetes.

Follow the caf é (Wechat official account vdailycom) and found that Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of its own.

The main ingredient of "coffee companion" (commonly known as "cream") is plant fat powder, which will produce unnatural "trans fatty acids" in the human body after drinking. Trans fatty acids may increase the incidence of breast cancer and diabetes and may affect the growth and development of children and the health of the nervous system. So it's better to drink less.

Add a lot of milk

Chlorogenic acid "killer"

A new word, chlorogenic acid (CGA), is mentioned in "Zidi aroma, Didi concentrated Alcohol," which is a powerful antioxidant that reduces insulin resistance and liver fat accumulation in mice fed a high-fat diet. Chlorogenic acid is one of the most important active ingredients in coffee. The absorption of CGA and milk will be affected because pH with too low CGA will cause casein in milk to solidify.

The Federal University of Rio once recruited healthy people between the ages of 24 and 35 (without taking any drugs or nutritional supplements) and randomly divided them into two groups. The experimental group took 4g instant coffee + 200ml milk (containing 9.6g carbohydrate, 6.7g protein and 7.1g fat), and the control group took 4g instant coffee + 200ml hot water. 48 hours before the experiment, they did not eat food containing polyphenols (reason: CGA belongs to polyphenols). In case polyphenols contained in other foods interfere with the final result analysis, polyphenols were not eaten 48 hours before the experiment. Urine was collected after taking it for 48 hours (every 4 hours, a total of 4 times). The results showed that compared with the original coffee, the bioavailability of CGA in human body decreased by 23%.

The right way to add milk to ✔: add a small amount of milk

Although milk reduces the bioavailability of CGA, studies have shown that a small amount of milk (less than 20% of the amount of a cup of coffee) does not affect the bioavailability of CGA [1], so don't worry.

Excessive addition of sugar

"God-assisted boost" of obesity and metabolic diseases

People who are not very receptive to the bitterness of coffee like to add sugar to their coffee, or go with a dessert to give up the bitterness of coffee. If only a small amount of sugar is not only harmless, it is beneficial, but too much sugar will increase the risk of obesity and lead to a series of metabolic diseases. Too much sugar is not only an extra calorie, but also increases fat storage and sends hunger signals to your brain, leading to overeating. Eating too much sugar can increase the burden on important organs and can lead to liver diseases, including non-alcoholic fatty disease. Too much sugar can also lead to elevated uric acid levels, which can lead to gout.

Some people like to add honey to their coffee, and the sugar in honey is mainly glucose and fructose, while studies have shown that the continuous metabolism of excessive fructose can increase the risk of serious chronic diseases (such as diabetes) [2]. Current American dietary guidelines recommend limiting calorie intake with less than 10% added sugar. If you eat 2000 calories (or calories) a day, your goal is to eat less than 200 calories (50 grams) of supplemental sugar. This standard can be used as a reference for Chinese people. We usually have a lot of foods to add sugar, biscuits, candy, soda, and even seasonings such as ketchup, vinegar, etc., so do not blindly pursue the taste to add a lot of sugar, this is cumulative harm to health.

The right way to add sugar to ✔: add a small amount of sugar or substitute sugar

Studies have shown that adding a moderate amount of sugar can improve attention and instantaneous memory. Forty healthy volunteers took part in an MRI brain scan. They were randomly divided into four groups and given the same amount of sweetened coffee, sugar water, plain coffee and water. The subjects were then asked to perform tasks related to continuous attention and working memory. Brain imaging found that subjects who took sweetened coffee showed reduced activity in task-related brain areas, that is, the brain was more effective [4]. Glucose is the main energy supply to the brain, and the amount of energy consumed by the brain every day is about 1 / 6 of the total consumption. One gram of glucose provides about 4 calories, and you can quickly get to work by adding 1 / 2 grams of sugar (about half a teaspoon to one teaspoon) to the first cup of coffee in the morning. Of course, this should correspondingly reduce the intake of other sugary foods.

Some people who are worried about their weight can also use sugar substitutes (sucralose, aspartame, saccharin) to satisfy the taste. Sugar substitutes have fewer calories than regular sugars and can be used for weight control. Physiologically, sucrose does not stimulate the release of insulin, glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1), or glucose-dependent insulin-stimulating peptide (GIP), nor can it delay gastric emptying in normal subjects. Therefore, these artificial sweeteners do not interfere with glucose metabolism. (click to read 🔗 's "Sugar substitute, beneficial and harmless sweetness?")

Coffee companion

a ruthless character behind a gentle appearance

Coffee partner sounds like a perfect combination of coffee and coffee, but when we uncover the true face of coffee partner, we will find that he is a "villain" with needles in his pocket. Coffee companion is commonly known as "cream", the main ingredient is plant fat powder.

We can see it in the ingredient list:

The first ingredient is "glucose syrup", that is, the mixture produced by hydrolysis of starch.

The second component is "hydrogenated vegetable oil", that is, a semi-solid oil formed by artificial catalytic hydrogenation of soybean oil or rapeseed oil.

The third component is sodium caseinate.

Finally, there are three types of food additives: stabilizers, emulsifiers and anti-caking agents.

The reason why he keeps needles is that there is a kind of pseudo-vegetable oil-hydrogenated vegetable oil, in which the health effects of trans fatty acids are getting more and more attention.

In one study, 34 women with an average age of 26 and 25 men with an average age of 25 were invited. The volunteers were in good physical condition and had normal blood lipid tests. They were randomly divided into three groups and fed a mixed natural diet with an additional 10% of total energy oleic acid, trans-isomer oleic acid and saturated fatty acids. High density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL) and low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL) levels were examined after a period of time. It was found that the HDL of people who ate oleic acid was 1.42 ±0.32mmol. the average LDL of people who ate trans-isomer oleic acid was higher than that of people who ate saturated fatty acids, while the average HDL of people who ate oleic acid was lower than that of people who ate oleic acid. It can be seen that trans fatty acids can not only increase the cholesterol level of LDL, but also reduce the level of HDL cholesterol.

In addition, many control studies and observational studies have shown that trans fatty acids may increase the risk of coronary heart disease and increase insulin resistance, especially in susceptible individual risk factors, such as insulin resistance. Visceral obesity or lower physical activity [6].

The correct way to add cream to ✔: less, a little less

WHO recommends that the percentage of energy provided by dietary trans fatty acids in total dietary energy is less than 1%. When the content of trans fatty acids in general foods is ≤ 0.3g/100g, it can be marked as 0. The cakes, pastries, biscuits, bread, salad dressing, French fries, potato chips, popcorn, chocolate and ice cream we often eat contain a certain amount of trans fatty acids. The natural source is mainly ruminant body fat. 2% of trans fatty acids can be found in beef and mutton fat, and milk and dairy products also contain a small amount of trans fatty acids. These foods have their own trans fatty acids, and cream is a "manually added" trans fatty acids, which is not a good thing, so don't add too much.


Coffee has many functions, and if it can be properly mixed, it can be the icing on the cake. Here, the following simple recipes are recommended for coffee lovers to learn from:

Fresh grinding of original taste


20% milk (low fat is the best)

1 ~ 2 grams of sugar

Zero cream


A perfect cup of coffee!